Excellent work Akira, as always.


(56 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Mmmm, golden slug! Sweeeeeeeeet.


(56 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Nice. That's the one!


(56 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Thretris wrote:

Been done many times
http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs46/f/2009/ … ctoroc.jpg
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/ … ctoroc.jpg

There is massive communities of bead sprite artist, just about everything has been done over and over..lol

Oh, well none of those are the SV-001. sad

The first one and the last one are the obnoxious "Giant Slug" boss from Metal Slug 5 (and which is proportioned wrong and has perspective issues), and the green one is the Formor, which is also from MS5 and is a ripoff from the "star" metal slug, which is the SV-001. If you find one of the SV-001 let me know. The MS5 adaptation vehicles seem to be the popular ones to do, but I'm not that impressed with 'em. Guess it's time to get beading...


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Now that's useful pigDavid. Thanks!

Aha, so it's still cured meat. smile I was close.


(56 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Cool stuff! You know what'd be excellent? Bead sprite inlay case mods for hardware. It would be totally incredible to have a bead sprite fronted NES cartridge, for example.

EDIT: oh, and Metal Slug. Someone must do Metal Slug sprites. I'm temped to get a set so I can do the gun icons for my fridge, and an SV-001 for my wall. Possibly the gold SV-001. And the Camel slug, and the flier one, and... *head explodes*

Nitro- is that... canadian bacon in your avatar??? [/total blatant hijack]

And for Neil- if I use 27c040 EPROMs that'll give a whole 512 Kilobytes to work with, do you think that will be enough for future releases?

low-gain wrote:


Why can't I get 'em riled up??? I won't tell anyone!

No, DKSTR didn't kill it... I did. I'm such a horrible person!!! Now I'll be eaten by the thread-tumbleweed-monster for my devious deeds of iniquity.

Anyhoo, I will update the front page nontheless.

I have maybe 4 other people lined up to come with me. So unless it all goes to hell I can probably find my own ride, but thanks Low-Gain!

EDIT: how long are your sets?

low-gain wrote:

oh you guys are in store for some "pimp my game boy" fun in the near future.


I think I know to what you refer, you sneaky fellow. smile And if I'm right, it will indeed be very, VERY pimpin!


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

The reason for real hardware is just because I want to tinker, of course! smile


(54 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh, album art with a blatant Tandy 100/102 ripoff in the image! I will have to try it now.


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Anyone done this? Playback of VRC6 or VRC7 expanded NES music (original composition) on real NES hardware? I have a feeling someone must have, but I'm curious what it would entail. EG, getting the NSFs to play on a VRC6 cartridge, getting the audio mixed properly, etc. As for VRC7, seeing as only one game EVER has used it for extended audio, and only one other game used it at all, and both were for Famicom, I suspect that this doesn't get done very often. VRC6 is slightly less uncommon, but still I have not seen any NSF playback software written specifically for that mapper. It'd be cool to mess about with it at some point (as if I don't have enough unfinished projects to work on. haha!)

Yup. I guess it pays to read the manual. smile Dang, I read it 3 times and I'm excited to get this working on some real hardware.