OK, I haven't been challenged yet, actually. Even though I'm organizing it. Will get a look at it probably around 7:00 PM tonight.

GBA/NDS combo flash cart- more expensive, but requires no drivers or an NDS. A must for Linux users.

http://www.gamersection.ca/product_info … cts_id=147


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

infradead wrote:


you should totally try that.

we would fry your bacon asses wink

Well, roasting at the stake is the favorite medieval method for disposing of crazed and unrepentant heretics!


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

We should start a new cult (heresy?), and call it Baconism. Then pester the admins until they allow you to have sigs, and put little sig-bar-graphics saying we're part of the Baconism clan. And have secret meetings, with secret hats, and have secret titles like "Grand High Baconator" or "Inquisitor of the Holy Bacon" or perhaps even "Exalted Executor of the Curia of Bacon."

Wow, nice work! Can't wait to see who you'll challenge next.


(36 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Rockin! Your modular synth is indeed a beast.


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm just pulling your leg with the whole unmentionable thing with 8bc. smile All in good jest, which Jose and Co. don't seem to understand. I finished browsing through your album, and it calls for a very thorough listen... middle of the night, pitch dark, with some high quality heaphones on fairly low volume... savor every sample, every timbre. My hopes are high that it'll be one of "those" albums, which most chiptune albums aren't for me. Good work!

Aww, amazing! I have written some kinda oddball papers for my philosophy major, and this is just more fuel for the fire. Papers I have written which are crazy include: The Merits of Cheese, The Martix and How We Know, Metaphysics and Portals (from the videogame), and The Ontological Import of the Nature of Space (related to thought experiments from who knows how many sci-fi movies). Now for a chiptune related paper... and perhaps a presentation. This is very inspiring!

Yes well it used to say:

arfink wrote:

OK, I will not update the front page. Good luck DKSTR!


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

Hmm, this is quite nice, and the artwork is most impressive! I'm looking forward to 2 minutes from now when it's done DL'ing. smile

EDITED: OH YES! Not disappointed at all! These past 2 weeks have been sheer GOLD for music releases, and this one is no exception.

EDITED again: and, you're not breaking any rules at all- I'd say this is a great introduction. Now, over at that other chiptune forum whose name is too loathsome to mention even in abbreviation (haha!) you might have gotten some flame, but this is quite impressive and I hope to see you around here more often.

OK, I will now update the front page. Good luck DKSTR!

EDITED for epic typo.


As for the Noac, here are just a few problems: Timing. BIG timing problems, non-uniform channel detuning. Timbre differences, and the complete lack of an audio filtering circuit. In short, they really do sound like garbage. Also, that's just for the NTSC versions; if you get a PAL NOAC it gets even worse.

EDIT: if I ever find the parts/time/get around to it, I'm thinking of taking a famicom mobo, which is tiny but %100 accurate, and making a handheld out of it. It'd be far nicer than a whole toaster, and better than a NOAC by far.

Thought exercises = cool
Not-school-required thought exercises = very cool
Not-school-required thought exercises about low-bit gaming aesthetic = extremely cool

As a philosophy major and a big fan of philosophically-minded study of aesthetics, this is very nice work.

Sorry to disappoint- it's probably worse.

Also, just FYI, those thigs are powered by the so-called NOAC or Nintendo on a Chip, which is known for it's horrible sound reproduction and occasional incompatibility issues.

ARG! It's a shame I had to miss this. Next time hopefully my ride won't get messed up.