Hmm. If you ever have another AGS 101 stop charging, I'll buy it from you. smile I need one for a little... project I'm working on.

Yeah, real-time flame rendering would be amazing, but would require some kind of monster computer, or a render farm. Each of these frames took my laptop roughly an hour or two just to render, with some extra time put into the post-process. Now, this is with a 1.5 gigahertz AMD Athlon 64 and 1 gig of ram, which while not really impressive these days is still quite a lot of computing power when you think about it. Doing a realtime render/animation of procedural stuff like this really sucks down CPU cycles.

Thanks! They are surprisingly simple to make, actually. You can get all the software I used for free, just Apophysis and The GIMP.

Here are two more for your enjoyment:

"The Electric Butterfly" … directlink

"Tunnel" … directlink

I didn't see anyone post on this. I know it's not exactly 8-bit (well, you COULD do this 8bit I guess) but it's cool and filled with fun geekery. That is, making pictures with things like fractals, or other procedurally drawn artwork. I have recently been messing with a program called Apophysis, which with some practice and some post processing (I use GIMP) can produce stunning results.

Here is one of my favorites, which I call "Plasma Rain <alt color>"

Click this link to get the gigantic size: … directlink

Mmmm, that yellow one looks very very nice. Amber... Looks like my favorite CRT color...

OH! I got to say, your instructions say to remove the original polarizer. But you never say to put a new one in? I am confused. (EDIT: saw it in the pictures... I guess it's implicit, since it's really obvious)

Anyways, good work. I'm thinking of trying this with some more pockets before too long. Possibly with the new backlight kit fro*ztCHTcht* Um, what was I saying... hum de dum...

SECOND EDIT: If I do a biversion, I'm going to put a switch in there so you can turn the biversion on or off, since real inversion would be awesome for LSDJ and pretty much nothing else.

Time to challenge the next contestant Andrio!

Well, if you want to take a pass it's up to you. It's OK, EmThree will just get to pick someone else for the moment. If you accept, I'll update the front post.


(14 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Wow, this is impressive. The PET is a cool system, and synth work with it is something of a rarity. In fact, the whole computer is a rarity. But it sounds neat. Technically, this is pretty sweet how they did it, since they basically are just rising the built in speaker, which is quite a limitation, I might add.


(7 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Wow, cool work! Glad to have you aboard, and I hope you enjoy the time you spend here.

Ah. Did the v1 come in pearl blue or pearl pink? If not, that makes ePay searching for one alot easier.

Nice work. I listened to Firestorm's IK+ remix and Ooh La La by Slyspy while playing with this. Amazing stuff, matched the music rather nicely. (hint, Demovibes 9)

One thought- make one where as it draws it fades the older lines, so what you can constantly have glowing particles whipping around the camera when it's zoomed in. It would look really cool.

yuh wrote:

low gain got the pockets last night via PM sorry guys!

but hey look at all the other tasty treats up there waiting for ya tongue

Great, that means I get to hack one of them! YAHAHAHAHA!

Anyways, as for the SP, please look on the back and see if it's an AGS-101 or not. If it's AGS-101 then it's the newer revision, which is actually what I'm looking for for my little project. Only problem is that I'm going to be removing the case and not keeping it... and this one is in good shape. Hrm.

Hm, I might be around that weekend... this could be cool. Are you do visuals for the show Low-Gain?


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yeah, I got it. It survived my experimentation, though the experiments weren't really successful.

As for killing the AGS-101- it won't die, it will be like the Phoenix, and rise from it's own ashes to become... something greater.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I am looking for a heavily used but still working GBA SP for a project I'm working on. It needs to be the later AGS-101 model with the backlight, not the older one with the frontlight. I don't want to pay much over $20 shipped for this thing, and I don't need a charger though i'd be willing to increase my price if you have one. This needs to be electrically functional, and I don't care about cosmetics.

Also, you'll be helping a good cause if you got one for me. You'd have cash AND be promoting the advancement of mad science!