(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

would be interested to see the lyrics to this song...if there are any

Jawn till November

o long jawnson

for composing? i like live mode with gaps in between each chain so it'll keep looping that part of the song until i get the notes/sound i'm looking for.

i'm just excited period. Though i'm hoping i won't have to leave early, which i might.


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm about 75% done with my full length which as of right now i am calling  "Big Pimpin In My Nescolade". shooting for 10-12 tracks, all nsf. It'll be done soon....er or later

More like Jet Pack SUES, AMIRITE?

personally i think there's no question at all that it sounds pretty much exactly like Jet Pack Blues, just in a dif key. Now whether or not they "ripped it off" or had the rights to do it is another question... So how about the app itself? does it have any merit for pixel artists? (assuming it lets you draw your own art and not have to use premade disney stuff)



(103 replies, posted in Collaborations)

does one have to show id? otherwise how do we know they are really under 18? can't be havin any of that "old timer" shit in here, am i right?

yay a weekend show! Albeit on the opposite end of the state as me, but i may actually be able to go to this. Not sure about this fully nude thing tho tongue


(33 replies, posted in Sega)

a few of my fav genesis games:
Toe Jam & Earl (aka greatest game of all time)
The haunting starring polterguy
Genereal Chaos
Sonic 2
Mutant League Football & Hockey
Contra Hard Corps
Rocket Knight Adventures
Kid Chameleon
Rock & Roll Racing
Super Street fighter 2 SE
Cyborg Justice
Gunstar heroes

never did too much saturn gaming, but i did play the shit out of dragon force, and virtua fighter.


(102 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yea, I started taking piano lessons two years ago. One of the best decisions i ever made with my life. it's like learning a second language. i still can't sight read very well unless its an easy song where your hands aren't moving too much, but if they're is a lot of movement i find myself having to look down at the keys, and then i lose my place on the sheet music. i usually just play a piece until i memorize it. My piano teacher is the complete opposite and it amazes me. Everyone is different i guess. also i'm glad decktonic posted the video of the ridiculous sight reader - that dude is my hero.

where'd the gameboy go? lol j/k. Great release big_smile . Was this recorded in a studio? sounds really pro.

first ep took almost a year. new full length prob a good year and a half now... and still not quite done. i suck at finishing songs and i'm easily side tracked lol.

interesting topic... i do enjoy listening to my own music which i always thought felt odd...but it makes sense, because its exactly what my mind wants to hear, lol. its like you're feeding your psyche what your subconscious conjured up...weird. i find myself critiquing my music a lot. especially my older shit. and yes i do love my music like a mother loves a child. music is art. its something you created from nothing that expresses yourself (and maybe some other artists you ripped off tongue) . so yea if all my music got erased somehow...id be devastated.  it'd be like simultaneously losing a part of myself and someone/something i loved dearly.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

awesome work as always Jredd. makes me want to learn FM