depends on the ROM. my bleep bloop came with a little scale song i think.

somehow i've gone my whole life never having seen bubblyfish. i shall rectify that this Saturday.


(36 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

Hi. So, um, can more than one person license the same bundle of tunes? If not then the fee is brutally low and slave labour-like

Also if they CAN, wouldn't it kind of odd to hear the same soundtrack in more than one game?

Zef wrote:

If you think of this as a loop producer; take 20 minutes and make a short, simple and functional loop (not a masterpiece) and sell that (non-exclusively) for the $10. that works out to the equivalent of $30/hour. Of course it depends on if you can actually sell any of the loops or not; but doesn't that sound a bit more appealing?

isn't there a 5 track minimum? now your talking 100 min...or $5.50 roughly / hr if that s how you want to look at it.

I just have conflicted thoughts on this whole thing. For $10 i wouldn't want to pretty much give away my A grade material. I might submit some loops that are sitting around collecting dust. But that doesn't do much good for my name as an artist. There's a reason those songs were collecting dust lol. Why not give the artist the power to name their rate? I realize we are talking about indie games here... IE- small to no budget. So i would hope people wouldn't get too outrageous with their rates. i mean the goal is to help each other out here, right?


(36 replies, posted in Trading Post)

personally, i'd rather have someone come to met and say here is exactly what i need and make something that is tailor made for that game. Rather than to try and make something generic that can be used for whatever. i just don't think the end result would be as good as it could be. i mean whats going to be better, the premade salad, or a custom made salad with the ingredients you choose? Yeah, there may be people who come along and the generic premade stuff suffices for them, but some of us want bacon and hard boiled eggs and all that other good shit that you can get from a custom made salad. Did that make any sense? lol


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

neat. but i don't have an iphone. android version in the works?

i have a mega man instrument pack if ya want that pm me. The older versions of FT (3.0 and older) came with presets for vol, duty, arp, etc. i don't know why they removed that. i found it helpful to learn how to get different sounds. experimenting, trial/error is always a good way to learn. but when you are first learning its also nice to see other examples too cuz you may learn things you never thought to even try.

e.s.c. wrote:
SKGB wrote:

i'd be down to play a porn con.

^ thatd be so fucking weird, but have to say i would too... would have to be better than some of the gigs ive played, and unlike most chicago gigs, there would be more than 2 women

Chipmusic AND titties? Yes please.

one time someone came up to me at a chip show and was like oh hey you look just like your avatar. does that count? lol


(124 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lazerbeat wrote:

Chibitech - love is insecureable

where does one find this? ...or any chibitech release for that matter. i've never been able to come across anything more than a few random mp3 and nsfs.

8 static: welcoming the socially awkward with open arms since...2009?

oh man i haven't seen bubblegum octopus since the days of dissassembler's house shows. so pumped.


(58 replies, posted in Releases)

an0va wrote:

IMO, if there's any recent chip release that could successfully make it into Top 40, it'd be this one. That's a compliment, of course! It's ridiculously digestible in a good way-I think a lot of non-chip people could really get into this. Here's to hoping for a good future to this project!

F'real, i could def see that. shell art is over!(summertime) is my jam.

yea, Z7F = approx 50% tri volume, but you get a wicked popping noise, moreso than usual anyway. having actual vol control on the tri would pretty freakin awesome. this is quite a breakthrough. i wish you the best of luck sir

herr_prof wrote:

Please take time to sleep shower and eat between blip blocks.

eating, showering, and sleeping are for the weak.


(20 replies, posted in Collaborations)

whenever. i'll just procrastinate until the last week probably anyway lol.


(58 replies, posted in Releases)

servers are over capacity sad