Thanks man that is a super useful hint. I had no idea XMplay could do that.

Topic says it all really. I know you can do it with Milky one module at a time but that is a bit of a pain. Anyone a batch method?

Fuck I miss Tampa. Got my first tattoo there.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Edit - Quick thought, why not sell your stuff on Itunes / Amazon where the review process is built into the sales outlet?

mk wrote:

Hmm I need to play more non chip shows I think...

You need to play more shows period.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Actually, a pertinent question for Zan-zan, why do you want reviews?


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

Lazerbeat, you're right... but... I'm massively discouraged by the way that a successful musician also has to be a successful PR agent, constantly expounding and exaggerating their works, projecting a serious and consistent image and performing many other activities essentially irrelevant to the act of making music.

Respectfully, I totally disagree with that. I think successful in our little slice of the music world is a highly relative term and I can't really think of anyone who spends a huge amount of time projecting a serious image and doing PR stuff over writing music. I think there are people in our community who are more well known and could also be seen as, I use the term very very loosely, leaders (bit shifter, herr_prof, Nullsleep, Trash80, Coova, sabrepulse etc) but I wouldn't say any of them are exaggerating their works / overly serious / doing non creative music related stuff. I will confess that they do all gig somewhere between occasionally and a lot though. A bit of luck helps, being in the right place at the right time helps for sure!

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

when you see people in interview being incredibly overconfident in a product essentially anyone could have made, surely it makes you wonder if you're also being too brash?

I think you might be missing a very important point here, if you see someone being incredibly overconfident in an interview the fact they are either an idiot, an asshole or both trumps the fact that they are a musician.

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

I treasure anonymity, wonder why a review of a thing can't be separated from the review of a person; does it make a review more interesting to say that I live in south yorkshire and have a real name, or does it just make it lengthier?

You can't really dictate how people consume their media. Details like names and places and dates give reviews personal information for readers to latch on to, while making the reviewers job easier.

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

I idolize bands like the Residents, who concealed their identities, and Magma, who created a language and a credo for themselves

Unless I am very much mistaken both of these bands played gigs regularly and it is also worth bearing in mind they both came to prominence decades before the internet. Peoples expectations are different now.

I guess you can't really have your cake and eat it to. A lot of people do already, over 7500 on last FM (I am one of them!) which is quite a lot more than many other chip musicians. If you wan't more people to listen/review your stuff I would try and make it easier for them, Bitshifter's page is a great example of a neat concise summary of his work with a couple of self depreciating swipes without being braggy or overly complex.

One final thought, I bet a vanishingly small number of those 7500 last FM listeners like your music because you are mysterious and anonymous, the probably just like it cause it is good. Shape up and play a few shows!


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

what I really crave is reviews!

Assuming this isn't just a troll, I am going to take a more serious swing at this and PLEASE don't think I am trying to be negative here but you did ask.

1 - You seem to be going out of your way to keep your self anonymous, this isn't really conducive to serious blogs going out of their way to review you. Also you seem to do it in kind of a petty / silly fashion for example. In your profile:

"no more uploads to 8bc or chipmusic. try and find me =F"

and your about page is absolutely content free, beginning with the rather off putting

"Zan-zan-zawa-veia is a one jerk chiptune project"

Lets compare another site by someone with a recent good album. I can find out Kaneel's name, general location, music history in under two minutes and use this as a basis for an article.

Reviews are partly going to be a critique of your music and partly an introduction to you as a musician. Pretending to be Banksy doesn't make you more appealing, just more work for a potential reviewer when there are acres of chipmusicans who have all this information readily available.

2 - Your online presence is badly organised. for example

- Your website doesn't link to your bandcamp page
- your website and profile both link to a dead twitter account.
- Your current twitter!/zanzanzawaveia isn't linked to by anything and has (I assume) a fake name and location on it.
- Your website looks awful, but judging by your EP covers you have contacts with some good graphics people.

3 - You don't play live, this isn't essential but it does drastically reduce the amount of exposure you get. Trust me if people will watch 2 1/2 hours of the Mars Volta they will watch 1/2 an hour of you.

So I think in conclusion, if you want to be reviewed more often present a much more coherent and professional front to the media, play a few shows and put up some personal information for reviews to use as a basis for article. Hope that helps!


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

i don't think my tunes would really suit the stage. anyone got any tips about this?

I disagree with this! Get on stage man!


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Might be handy to add information like what you are prepared to pay for the NES and your general location. A good way to get started with NES stuff would be a non circuit bent NES and a Powepak with some of NOCARRIERs software or Litewall. That should get you started for about 150 USD or so. … ucts_id=34

I am using Renoise and I am slowly getting to grips with the various effects / processors for the various channels but I am a little bit confused about the order to use them in my effects chain. Most of the google results seem very guitar effect specific but the logic seems to be

source audio -> Filters -> compressor/limiter -> pitchshifters/harmonizers -> distortion -> chorusy/phasey/flangy stuff -> delays -> reverb

Does this hold for electronic music also? and a few random questions, I assume EQ would be counted as a filter? what happens when you have something like a punchy kick drum with a bith of EQ/compression/reverb then you want to EQ the whole mix? is it ok to have multiple EQ stages?

Are there any other handy rules to remember for ordering effect?

Thanks people!


dosPrompt wrote:

Also can I just say what a great little venue Sabako is? And the fact they have a very decent quality stream/recording is a mega bonus

I will TOTALLY support this. Eiji, the guy who runs Sabako is an absolute hero and the soundsystem is MONSTROUS for the size of the venue,


(17 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Im sure you have it marked already but this is probably the most extensive list of yamaha FM chip usage.

To be honest, I don't think there is much x68,000 hardware even outside Japan. I haven't seen any on sale in the retro stores in absolutely ages.

Your best bet is probably a japanese yahoo auctions proxybidding site

Lsdj was never released as a cartridge by nintendo. It is only available as a software, you meed a flashcart to run it on your gameboy


(209 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Is nanoloop one the same as 1.6?