(9 replies, posted in Sega)

I found a pretty good comparison here: http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/12 … try2498499

Downstate's advice is best on this. Oh and a least a basic understanding of musical theory can be helpful too. Learning an instrument like piano might be good. Best of luck to ya!

This was a good time, even if it was a small show big_smile


(56 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not gonna lie, I wanna see more LEGITIMATE hardcore/mathy shit out there. I realize I'm probably alone on this tongue


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

GoingHam wrote:

Also on another note if you wanted to make the wiring a bit neater and more manageable try finding an old sata cable to splice apart.

Sorry for not posting back. Good idea!

kitsch wrote:

there are a lot of features in this project i'd rather keep under wraps for right now, sorry if i'm too cryptic sometimes....  regardless, its not too far off now, at all.  finishing up some of the coding/design in the next couple weeks for a last part of this, the LCD is starting production this week (i believe, need to double check).

its really not too far off.  just such a huge project i can't say for sure, anything could happen....  !!!yikes!!!

Matt, just keep doing what you do. It's super beneficial to the scene and I appreciate it personally too.


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Hey errbody, I'm gonna do a short set later tonight. Tune in, it'll be fun!


P.S. Please don't kill me if live streams don't count. The posting rules didn't say anything about that! tongue

EDIT: I recorded the whole show here if you missed it. Minus the intro. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/28299186


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So I fixed a DMG GoingHam style...almost. I'm just having some D-pad issues. It seems to not respond at all. I know it's messy and I'll figure out how to get it back in the case but I take it the ribbon cable also handles the input as well right? Actually it appears to just be d-pad left.

The post below would've helped even for the first pocket I did successfully, because I didn't know how fragile the ribbon cable at the bottom is. I think it seems to be another one of those "no fix" situations as far as I've searched.

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/5735/ … ing-a-mgb/

Starts at 7PM
Admission: Free

There will be art (maybe not pixel art, but other kinds of art) and some music.

I'll be the only chip artist, but also playing is folk songwriter Simon Wong. He writes some pretty chill acoustic jams.

327 E East McKinley Street
Phoenix, AZ 85006

I'm gonna be the only chip act, but MAN-CAT is pretty cool too.


Sound And Motion aren't playing anymore


The Rogue Bar in Scottsdale, AZ
423 N. Scottsdale Rd,
$5 at the door
Ages 21+ (it's a bar silly!)
Starts at 9:00pm



(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I just moved back out here to Phoenix, and it seems like there's no sign of chip life. I think I only know one other artist out here which is yes_pizza. Are there any other chiptuners in AZ? I'm in Mesa, but I'd love to hear from people in Tucson, Flagstaff, or wherever.

I really wanna get some shows together soon! big_smile
E-mail me at bfadmusic at gmail dot com if you wanna play

...oh and even if you're somebody touring through AZ, I'd be happy to be local support and I even have a couch you can crash on if necessary.

Theta_Frost wrote:

This is why we need newly produced GB PCB's.

I'm on board with that. I coulda sworn that Nonfinite or someone else was looking into finding a PCB printer or something...but it's been a while and I forgot what was happening with that...

But yeah, I was going to try GoingHam's way on the DMG that I was experiencing something similar on, since I've got a few IDE cables I could rip apart but the soldering iron I have has the chunkiest tip ever...not exactly the best for so many tightly spaced points. I did try to mess with the ribbon cable some more just a bit ago on the Pocket, but it's too difficult to pinpoint where the break is occurring.

It's so funny because DMG's and MGB's aren't exactly as cheap as they used to be, but still fairly cheap...and I still can't even afford that right now tongue

I'm just gonna hang on to these corpses for parts while I save up for new ones. Thanks everyone for your help!


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks zerolanding, I'll give it another go when I get home. Those ribbon cables are ridiculous -_-


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yeah, it's probably like I feared. I was really hoping I wasn't gonna be out of my 2nd DMG AND its backup, lol. Time to hunt on Ebay soon I suppose.

Thanks though, I appreciate the help.

So I had taken a Nonfinite V3 backlight out of a DMG that I'm pretty sure I messed up the ribbon cable connecting the two PCB's pretty bad and went to go install it on a Game Boy Pocket that I have. I get the backlight installed and now it does this:


So it "POST"s and I can hear the startup sound, but no Nintendo logo (or lack thereof) appears and the screen is split in half by a column of pixels.

I've also successfully backlit a red Pocket with the same version of backlight and it turned out perfectly. I'm really hoping I didn't mess up the ribbon cables on this Pocket too, but I wouldn't be surprised at this point.