(111 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

the collective....
http://poyo.co/lgpt/#bg=FFFFFF&sn=0 … ;title=RGB

8bc lol


(111 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

o cool you guys made an editor website for the colors.

This is called "lonely day" (valentines) tongue

http://poyo.co/lgpt/#bg=FFD6FF&sn=F … ;title=RGB

Delek wrote:
wedanced wrote:

This issue should be gone after you move the libsdl file included with DefleMask to /usr/lib!

There is an issue with that for mountain lion users. As the mac comes there is no normal way to open/locate the library folder. I can access mine because i ran a command in terminal giving me access to the hidden files.

now that i am in the library I dont know where to place it as there is tons of folders. I tried just placing it in just the library folder but no luck. still no image found.

It might be better/easier to setup the directory path somewhere more accessible if we are manually dropping in the files. some of our youngsters dont remember command lines tongue

8BitPowerHour wrote:

I created a simple video on connecting the GenMDM and showed my renoise setup.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9BYdzgA … e=youtu.be

nice one.

I dont know if i posted this in another thread or something but i didnt see it here sooooo....... Volume meter on the right or left side of the song screen. It would be nice to know how close to clipping i am and it would be a good/simple (i am guessing) visual feedback in general for mixing live and while writing.

a way to see the wave files and looping points might be cool to but you guys might throw that under the "lazy" category. I got to say tho... working with other trackers like fast tracker and such, it does work wonders for me and speeds up the editing process with my instruments.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i approve.


(10 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

A Versus B wrote:

Alright so I'm using a ghetto build now and I need your help guys. I realize I'm on a forum so I'm guaranteed to get flamed for asking this but, I'm on the piggywiki manuel and it gives key mapping for PC, like A=A, B=S, etc. but I can't figure out what the LT and RT buttons are on the mac keyboard. any other OSX users wanna help me out??

"Control" is left trigger.
I dont know the other because i never play live off a laptop.

I make a config file to make Q and W the left and right triggers. it works better for me.


(10 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

A Versus B wrote:

Alright so I'm using a ghetto build now and I need your help guys. I realize I'm on a forum so I'm guaranteed to get flamed for asking this but, I'm on the piggywiki manuel and it gives key mapping for PC, like A=A, B=S, etc. but I can't figure out what the LT and RT buttons are on the mac keyboard. any other OSX users wanna help me out??

"Control" is left trigger.
I dont know the other because i never play live off a laptop.

I make a config file to make Q and W the left and right triggers. it works better for me.


(10 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Mdashdotdashn wrote:

There used to be an issue with SDL and some internal relink with XCode. Could you try downloading the latest ghetto at the bottom of the page and see if that works ?

this fixed it for me.


(136 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

oooh this might be just me but i think it would be nice to have a bouncing volume level on the song screen. graphical feedback would be nice.

Thats right bitches. A Tracker exists for your old mid 90's macintosh.

This is the wildest tracker ever and it took me a while to find. I used to have an old Macintosh Performa 5200 from my childhood in 1995. A lot of schools used them well into the early 2000's as classroom computers. Well supposedly this would run on that machine as the classic mac os 9 could support this bad boy.
I cant lie.... this thing is kinda ridiculous.


- plays music tracker modules
- opens native MADK and older MADfg , MADH, MADI
- imports MOD, S3M, XM, IT, MED, OktaMED ,669, Midi , MTM , ULT, UMX, AMF, DMF
- exports AIFF , MPEG4/AAC , as well as MOD , S3M , XM modules
- midi I/o enabled on supported platforms for recording + playback
- OpCode OMS on Mac OS Classic, CoreMidi on Mac OS X
- multi-track midi recording
- supports native and VST effects for samples , channels and global
- VST effect plugins are computed at 32bits
- SoundFonts / DLS2 supported for samples
- handles 256 instruments and 256 simultaneous audio channels
- supports stereo (binaural) samples and multiple channels per track
- can render at 24 bit / 48KHz; with surround, reverb and up to 30x oversampling
- audio output can be routed via Steinberg ASIO device API support.
- APIs offer program extensibility through plugins (effects,formats etc)
- supports up to 64 samples per instrument ; with smart regions
- can perform actual musical chords in addition to fancy arpeggios
- Realtime pitch and speed adjustment during authoring and playback
- 16bit volume and panning envelopes
- lots of visual inspectors for amp and PSNR monitoring


(55 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

You can also do the old trick of speeding up your samples (so they are shorter) and then pitching them down  in the tracker itself.
also mono, ping pong, and all that jazz. you will be able to load your samples faster and save memory space.

i am probably doing something wrong.


(37 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I got it running on all of the handhelds available and my mac and soon windows. it has been working lovely so far. the new bass filter is a welcome addition. I like it a lot. no crashes as of now smile