And what about AWE32 or AWE64?
from what i understand the awe32 had some models with opl3 but most just emulated the sounds via Vibra chips/whatever else. From what i gather the sound is thin but clear. based off of the other soundblaster 16s with vibra chips that would make sense compared to the real opl3. The awe 32 basically was a soundblaster 16 with extra stuff with additional support for midi synthesis and waveguide synthesis if i remember correctly.
anyways there was a value version released and a really budget one that went as the Sound Blaster 32. i am going to assume those used the vibra chips. i think the original used opl3. if you look at pictures of the early boards you can see that they clearly do have a real opl3 soldered on at the bottom middle (isa contacts facing down). the later ones some have a huge vibra chip smack dab in the middle and others just dont have it. best way i can think of to judge is just looking at the board its self.
I have been looking at pictures of different models to look for the opl chip. i can say that CT3900 CT2760 CT3780 deff have it
cards i know that dont have a real opl CT3990 CT3600
the cards that go by sound blaster 32 models are listed below:
CT36**: CT3600, CT3604, CT3605, CT3620, CT3630, CT3640, CT3670, CT3671, CT3672
CT39**: CT3930, CT3991, CT3999
CT43**: CT4330, CT4335, CT4335
the AWE 32 boards with opl chip look like this:
a SB version can look like this:
But most of the ones i have looked at that dont have the opl as far as i can tell look like this:
The awe 64 just added more polyphony i think. truthfully i dont know too much about it other then it was smaller then the awe 32 and it was supposed to have a less noisy sound then the 32 though the 32 was supposed to be pretty quiet to begin with. From what can recal there is no opl3 on those. the emulate the sounds. they came in 2 flavors i think. the gold and the normal vesion. the gold was supposed to sound better.
Thats about all i got. I am having issues findimg images of some of the models for the awe 32 so there is no way for me to check the rest. blaaaaaaaahhh sigh*