Decktonic wrote:

so I was reading about trap and juke and I discovered scuff:

pretty cool. I'm enjoying learning about all this stuff, been listening to instrumental hip-hop and dream hop for a while, it's cool to see where the production styles are going.

I think you'd like the show that dot.AY and I do each week. Maybe start with the trap or juke episode if that's what you're interested in at the moment.

an0va wrote:

Holy hell, this should be stickied. Thank you so much.

I agree. Let it be so!

20 minutes from post to sale. Nice.

abrasive wrote:
Frostbyte wrote:

So what's the price looking like? :d

Still $100.

How much for the rug?


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ima close this on principle. Go advertise your hijacked compo elsewhere.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So what exactly do you have to do with TCTD?


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I can't even begin to express how much in poor taste this is.

Did you stop to think that perhaps 8bitpeoples, the creative and organisational force behind Blip Festival, might like to bring out their own tribute/send off, in their own time, on their own terms? 

I guess I should expect nothing more from some scumbag vulture looking to cash in on other peoples good names.

Going to eat my words when you're exposed as a troll but seriously fuck everything about this.


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

So tasty.


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

#4  MOSHPITS (although I acted like a frail old man and didn't get in any of them)

oh man... ok this is no joke. like, moshing at blip 12 seriously changed my life. im not even kidding.

i had surgery like 2 years and took a LONG time to recover, i still had problems with my ribs, constant weird lower torso pain stuff and IDK. doctors told me everything was fine, so I assumed that it was just always going to be like that and stopped bothering with it. UNTIL BLIP 12 where i got destroyed in the pit. I was holding some crowdsurfing fool up when another drunken fool smashes into me and i feel a loud POP. I thought i broke another rib or something and was a bit freaked. couldn't lift up my arm and shit hurt for a while, but when it got better... i was totally freaking fixed! i seriously hadn't felt that good in years and havent had a single problem since.

western medicine < blip festival


This guy wins. Best story ever.


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lazare : If you submit another off topic post in this thread you'll get a ban from me. Fair warning? Stop pissing on everyones parade. If you don't like it, fuck off.

Back on topic.

My favourite would have to be seeing all the guys up in the second level of Koenji High (Blip Tokyo) start moving and shaking when Omodaka started his set. They just couldn't help it! (You know who you are!)


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Saskrotch wrote:

can someone please fucking close this

Your wish is my command.


(181 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Co-organising Blip Aus last year with the 8bit peoples crew as well as having amazing local support from the likes of Syntax party crew and GBA was a seriously inspiring experience.

In Australia, at least, the show will go on albeit under a different banner.
We'll be making a full announcement in the coming weeks.

If you're planning to come to Australia for a summer holiday in 2013 I hear the weather is particularly lovely during February in Melbourne wink

I have no doubt Blip Festival will be back sooner or later. Have a nice break Josh, Jeremiah and Mike. You all very much deserve it. Take a moment to step back and reflect on everything that you've achieved to date, take mental stock and come back stronger than ever.

I echo all the positive sentiment in this thread.
Well done guys. I'm really looking forward to what is to come.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Nominating this thread for best of all time. It's the gift that keeps on giving!


(45 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Post again when you actually have hedgehogs to trade.


(92 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

godinpants wrote:

For $1500 I will come to your house and make some drops with you.

I will drop this man for $1500.