(173 replies, posted in Releases)

yeeeeahhh boyyyyyyyy


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This Z-axis tape discussion migrated over here from my facebook page and confused the hell out of me.


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Batsly Adams wrote:

I just ordered some PCBs to support FaMI, I can't do much in the way of hobby stuff nowadays due to time constraints. Most of FaMI / any other projects I work on are written on vacation days.

omg it's just good to know you're alive (and that this is still a thing) heart


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Ness, I think this whole discussion actually answers your third question pretty effectively. As for your first question, yes, the MPC500 SHOULD be able to sequence your Maestro, or anything hat accepts MIDI sequences, but as discussed, the Maestro's functionality is just generally questionable, and you'll probably have the same issues that everybody else is having trying to control it with other devices.


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

fami has been vaporware for a long time now. I actually built the hardware side and Batsly promised he'd send me the software when it was ready to go and never did. sad


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I bought a bleepbloop programmer from ebay user droptendo when it was advertised on chipmusic.org under a different username back in February here: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/10267 … onditions/

It never showed up, and now he's advertising another one for sale? Buyer beware.


(173 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks for letting me be a part of this awesome project! I've been getting a lot of awesome kickback from it, and I really enjoyed the interview.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Super clever! I'm tempted to try to recreate this on a Rockband 3 keytar...


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have a low brass trio/LSDJ piece to finish that's being workshopped in the morning. I spent the last few days cranking on the Weekly Treats track that just got put out today! No time for damn pokemanz.

My wife would prob buy them if we had a console that could run it tho...

ShintarouMusic wrote:

No offense taken man, I know my soldering skills need improving, at least aesthetically wink I used too much solder and it looks pretty messy. But I definitely get signal through all channels. Sorry to somewhat derail your sale thread.

Also not wanting to hijack this most excellent sale thread, but I thought I'd mention that the foam-stuff inside the plastic case you used for this mixer may be somewhat conductive, which might cause problems in certain use situations.. That might be worth looking into. You could probably check with a multimeter.

uhhh, anyway everybody buy katsum's stuff kthxbye


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My homies (including the videographer!)!

also if you don't already know, this song is available on vinyl in a split with TGS, at the link jazz posted and here:
http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/cr … es-shotgun

and of course here wink


(47 replies, posted in Releases)

Everything I've dreamed of.


(274 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm changing my vote to:

1. white
2. semi-clear green



(274 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

c'mon mannnnnn I can't wait for mine to get here O_O


(47 replies, posted in Releases)



(5 replies, posted in Releases)

I got a permissions error! Z++ would download again.