Occasionally people offer them. Scienceguy made some of the best known full arduinoboys (I had one for awhile, they're great) and trash80 briefly sold arduinoboy minis.

Nobody has produced anything like that for awhile though, and you're really supposed to ask trash80's permission before you do.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

People here and on 8bc sometimes have parts to sell, keep an eye out, or even just ask around! smile


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You'll need to replace the entire PCB. It's theoretically possible to replace the LCD but nobody has done it successfully.

Sadly, sometimes those lines just die, and aren't coming back.

that's clever

Yes, the cable has a chip to convert to serial.

Here it is for 11 pounds at least, you can probably find it cheaper: http://robosavvy.com/store/product_info … ts_id/1397


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Wizwars wrote:

Blipfest San Francisco at the DNA Lounge. Just sayin'.


(20 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

if you need extra testers... smile


(48 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

y u ignore my question? sad


(29 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Dredging this thread up because I'm so excited to have mine together and working. Took me about a week because I could only get down to the shop while the baby was napping - which he amazingly has stopped doing during the day. Only one SID in it right now, but getting another from Christoff of Awkward Terrible when they get here on the 15th for the shows we're playing together...

Yeah, all default appearance, but I think the white and green is sexy.
Until I get started sequencing more consoles in TGS, I'll probably use this with my keytar for awhile. smile


(127 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The Comics Curmudgeon wrote:

I’m extremely amused by the low-key Mudlark reaction in panel two, though you know that deep down they’re thinking that a Pokémon tattoo would be kind of awesome. They’re also playing it cool so as not to anger the disembodied claw-thing that’s casually draped itself on Punisher t-shirt dude’s shoulder.

from The Comics Curmudgeon

Make chummy with the tech people at nearby high schools and colleges. Offer to volunteer in their labs a bit. You'll wind up getting your hands on all kinds of cool old technology stuff - old OS disks, for one.


(17 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

A synth like that can do so much stock - I wouldn't even think about modifying it until I'd spent well over a year learning what it can do!

And considering that it's 80's digital technology - likelihood of permanent damage is pretty high.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That's the right area. It is safe to do with the dmg on, and much easier since you can actually tell what's happening. turn the contrast all the way up so the screen is black.

Thirded on using an iron with solder - transfers the heat better.


(48 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

I like this blog, good work! However, I'm not sure what to make of this and I'd love it if you would expand on it:

Monofox wrote:

I feel like the chiptunes scene has been lacking much in quality since I entered. In our lives we are constantly bombarded by "DATA CHIP EXTREMECORE1337", "Avante-Garde Chip pop" (note to self, now is not the time to rip on Jay Tholen), and stuff that isn't (according to myself) even chiptune (Sorry, Je Mapelle, you're guilty.)

i.e. you suggest an issue with quality, but then give whole "genres" (which both surely include quality music) as a specific issue. Would you be willing to explain your reasoning?

While you're at it, please DON'T expand on the issue of "stuff that isn't...even chiptune" - that's a can of worms not worth opening. wink

Also, you're from SF - do you go to conservatory, or what? We probably know some people in common, wouldn't surprise me.


(494 replies, posted in Trading Post)

btw, everyone, in case you didn't already know, Ape is the best. I just got a special apeshit xmas card in the mail, with one of his new solid color screen covers in it! Most thoughtful modder ever? Easily. big_smile

So yeah, buy things from him. Thanks.


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm working on a commissioned piece for flute and gameboy that may be performed at a festival nearby at a close time to blip... so I may actually get to come for once! Here's hoping!