I like this blog, good work! However, I'm not sure what to make of this and I'd love it if you would expand on it:
Monofox wrote:I feel like the chiptunes scene has been lacking much in quality since I entered. In our lives we are constantly bombarded by "DATA CHIP EXTREMECORE1337", "Avante-Garde Chip pop" (note to self, now is not the time to rip on Jay Tholen), and stuff that isn't (according to myself) even chiptune (Sorry, Je Mapelle, you're guilty.)
i.e. you suggest an issue with quality, but then give whole "genres" (which both surely include quality music) as a specific issue. Would you be willing to explain your reasoning?
While you're at it, please DON'T expand on the issue of "stuff that isn't...even chiptune" - that's a can of worms not worth opening. 
Also, you're from SF - do you go to conservatory, or what? We probably know some people in common, wouldn't surprise me.