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Topics by kineticturtle
Posts found: 1,057-1,072 of 1,558
Here's the units I have in the room; two grey DMGs
and an atomic purple GBC
Related to this - I keep saying I'm going to do this and keep not doing it.
If you backlight a DMG, get that number on the back of the reflective crap you have to clean off the screen, and indicate whether it came off easily or with difficulty, and keep it matched with the DMG serial. I've been trying to figure out if there's a pattern or not for ages, but I keep losing the things after I take them off. 
Tsuki wrote:Yeah I decided to buy a white DMG with an EMS 64. I'll backlit it later (don't have enough money now) and maybe pro sound.
Good man! Best of luck with your music. 
If you're new to LSDJ, it will be a long time before you hit the limits of the DMG.
I'm telling you man, less talk, more getting stuff and making music!
The only issue I forsee is that pockets already have power drain problems with EMS carts, it gets worse when you add a backlight so adding the two LEDs for buttons will really cut into your battery life. You might consider further modding the unit to take some kind of higher capacity battery pack. A few people have done this - search around, I think Bibin or someone made a tutorial.
I also think kitsch-bent's backlights fit in pockets better than those made by nonfinite - but I haven't actually tried to install one yet so it's just informed speculation. 
Best of luck!
I always keep the newest stable version on my performance carts, and a the latest build on at least one cart that I use to program and experiment. Unless you're using the MIDIOUT feature or playing back really old, very complicated songs that were made to be played on an old version, there's no reason to use anything older.
You'll be much more disappointed thinking about all the music you could have been making while waiting for the newest product to come out. Just buy an EMS and get any old gameboy for now and work your way up later. 
Count me in if there's an in to be counted. In.
goomba is a gameboy emulator for the Game Boy Advance series. You essentially have to install goomba on the cart and install LSDJ in goomba to use it with the EZflashIV. I have two of those carts and I tried to do this (not very hard) and gave up.
You can also use normal game boy carts (such as the EMS 64MB carts everyone has) with the SP, and use the SP's own game boy emulator to do the job.
justinthursday wrote:Oh man. I've been playing Mega Man 2 on Game Boy since I was a youngin'. That game is incredible and still insanely difficult to this day.
Whaaaaat? No way may, II is the easiest. III is the bitch. IV is pretty tough but I know that game way too well. Wily's Revenge (I) is also real tough, mostly because you have no special abilities to speak of. I've never learned V particularly well so I still have trouble with it - I only managed to get my hands on a cart a year or so ago and haven't had so much time to play games since then!
I just want to say that I love the Game Boy Mega Man games.
I had no trouble sticking it right next to the cap - there's some serious clearance on the front side of the PCB.
Every time I try to edit my signature on this site, I am pleased to remember that we don't have them.
Looks great, congrats!
p.s. MGB screens are known for being fiendishly possessive of their reflective backing, and for breaking under pressure. Later model DMGs are much more forgiving for the beginner. 
What the heck is going on with that "blue" DMG? Is it dyed, or is it one of those weird aftermarket cases?
pixls wrote:Also pixel not pixle
Are you sure he didn't mean that he wants fan art about you?
Posts found: 1,057-1,072 of 1,558 / Forums / Posts by kineticturtle