
(62 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Added a MIDI modded speak and spell and a rackmount mixer with 6 mic preamps!

Are you keeping your iron tinned? I'm just speculating without actually seeing you work, but if the iron isn't tinned and it isn't reacting quickly enough, you could be putting a lot of extra heat into the CPU, that could potentially do this.

Speculation is relevant here though, as I've seen and heard a lot of broken game boys, and this is a new symptom to me. Maybe nitro or rolf or someone has input to offer.

Screen looks normal when the gameboy is running at normal speed? How much heat have you been applying?

What are you using to de-solder? I prefer those little solder-sucker things for this type of work.

Would probably help. Kitsch-bent sells cap kits, they're pretty cheap! Been meaning to try it, hasn't happened yet. smile

From the side with the white wire, they are switch normal, ground, right output, left output.

from http://lowgain-audio.com/GBclassicmod.htm - probably also helpful to you smile

Signal is already headphone-amped at that point though.

Regardless, I disagree with your assertion that the pitch mod works. If these weird glitchy sound things only happen when the pitch mod is on, then clearly something is wrong with the pitch mod.

Your description of the prosound problem could be a short caused by a solder bridge. I'm not sure what you could have severed, as you have to put in some significant effort to cut traces on the PCBs. It would be hard to say for sure without seeing it in person, but some clear photos of what you've got going on so far might be helpful.

The best advice I can offer you right now is to do these mods one at a time, making sure you have one working solidly before you dig into the next. smile

There's a couple problems with what you've got going on at the moment.  For one, the half-speed crystal is entirely dependent on the getlofi board - you would never be able to half clock without engaging the variable clock circuit.

Second, you have the two chips in parallel. I regret ever using that word in this thread. smile
However you install the half-clock, the switch needs to be able to select between the two crystals. This will involve desoldering at least half of the existig crystal.

from here: http://gieskes.nl/underclocking_or_over … _tutorial/ which will probably be helpful.

As for the speed pot not working, I recently transferred a getlofi modded game boy into a new case, and it had that symptom, but it turned out to be that the ground wire had become disconnected. I would check your solder joints.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was actually discussing this with a percussion major at our school who is interested in audio engineering. The market is saturated with people who have graduated from Berklee or e'xpression and are recording rappers for free in their basements trying to "build a portfolio" so they can start doing real work. I don't know where someone graduating from a more traditional university fits into this, but right now the people making waves are the people who are self-taught and driven.

Installing the two mods separately is a lot simpler - you install the half-clock mod normally, so you have a witch that selects between crystals, then you install the get lofi mod, which will control the speed of whichever crystal is selected. ta da


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was just thinking about this last night. Pretty certain we are going to send something your way!

Sorry, that was a terrible explanation. I'm pretty sure the getlofi kit starves (or force feeds) your crystal of voltage to change its speed, so there's no crystals running in parallel business per se.

The important (read: correct) part of what I was saying, is that you can do the half-clock mod and the variable speed mod completely independently and be sure they will both work, with the fun bonus of discovering what happens when you turn them both on, which is an unknown to my knowledge.

I'm assuming it might go a little slower, but will crash about halfway down.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

With a baby on the way, I've finally had some time at home to work on music stuff (how does that work, right?), and I've spent most of the day fiddling with this. It's a ton of fun, but I've been having some inconsistencies.

Example: http://chipmusic.org/kineticturtle/musi … experiment

The longer LSDJ loops the phrase, the more it begins to trigger samples - samples I don't even use anywhere in the song - and it seems to occur only in places where I have used other commands. Sometimes it occurs at the top of a pattern, where no commands are being issued (although it may be an instrument table resetting?)

So far today I have installed the latest version of MIDIOUT LSDJ (4.1.0) and the latest version of the arduinoboy sketch (1.2.1). I have tried delay settings everywhere from 40 to 120, with multipliers of 1 to 4. I have also tried multiple DMGs and a pocket.

Anyone got any thoughts? smile


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

whatcha gon' do wit it?


(62 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Thats the magic of USPS flat rate priority boxes! big_smile
Glad you like it! Could I convince you to drop my name in the feedback thread? smile


(62 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Added a modded DMG!

Ghettoboy is now $15 shipped! Seriously, nobody wants a dirt-cheap performance ready gameboy? yikes