1,361 Apr 16, 2011 10:43 pm
Re: SUPABOY Portable Pocket SNES Console? (8 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
1,362 Apr 16, 2011 12:03 am
Re: SUPABOY Portable Pocket SNES Console? (8 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
It would be neat to have a portable music gameboy that can also plug into a TV or projector, but this, if it existed, would have the same problem as the gameboy advance - terrible start and select button placement for LSDJ.
1,363 Apr 15, 2011 4:00 pm
Re: LSDj music keyboard? (14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
There is no modding necessary to use that adapter, but for some reason nobody ever notices that they've been out of stock for a long time with no sign of coming back.
1,364 Apr 13, 2011 11:55 pm
Topic: The Glowing Stars and Crashfaster bookin' some west coast (USA) shows (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
The Glowing Stars and Crashfaster bookin' some west coast (USA) shows - June 2011
We (The Glowing Stars) are planning a tour with Crashfaster for June and we're looking for some shows! Who wants to join us in some rad crazy partytimes?
Here's what we're looking at and for (text in bold is shows we're looking to book)
June 8-10th - LA - we're looking for a show around E3! Got something set up for June 9th - squaring up the other acts, details to come!
June 13 - The New Parish, Oakland CA (booked)
June 18th - Modesto, CA (booked)
June 14th, 16th, 17th or 19th - Davis/Sacramento - it would be neat to drive out a bit and play for folks in the Davis/Sac area - anyone around?
June 21st - Northern CA - Anyone in Arcata, Eureka? Wherever? We'd love to stop in some small town! Small towns don't get enough tour love!
June 22nd - Portland - show booked, details to come! Looking for other acts!
June 23rd or 24th - Seattle - we want to hit Seattle on one of these days, it's a bit flex. This could be almost anything. We're looking at house parties right now...
June 25th - we're putting together a mini festival in Portland with my friends at the label Apes Tapes - we'll be releasing some special material at this show.
If you have any ideas or leads, email us at [email protected]!
(yup, crossposted on 8bc.org)
1,365 Apr 13, 2011 4:37 am
Re: Post your gig/home setup! (1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Do you even know what every little knob and switch there does??? O_O
I do (or at least I would if I saw it in person), I'm sure he does.
That's quite a purdy modular rig there, you gonna fill those gaps?
1,366 Apr 12, 2011 5:33 pm
Re: Using LSDJ as a midi sequencer! (180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Okay cool, thanks for the more detailed description. I'll try some higher numbers for the moment - and I'll crack out the multimeter and see how much juice the arduinoboy is getting.
1,367 Apr 10, 2011 8:12 pm
Re: Want suggestions for starting to make my own chipmusic (66 replies, posted in General Discussion)
You know what I mean. Learning one type of chip interface is always helpful in learning another. Mostly you're learning about how older, limited audio platforms work, which is essential to the genre, even if you're not working on actual older hardware platforms. It teaches you the history of the style.
I'm not saying everyone should start on LSDJ, I'm just saying that it's an entirely defensible suggestion to a beginner who doesn't know what they want to do.
1,368 Apr 10, 2011 7:41 pm
Re: Want suggestions for starting to make my own chipmusic (66 replies, posted in General Discussion)
It is pretty common to go into a guitar store saying you want to get started, and being told to get either a strat and an amp, or a basic acoustic guitar. Why? Because they are somewhat universal, cheap but generally okay in quality and readily available, and what you learn on either will be easy to transfer to other gear as your ability and preferences mature and develop.
I too prefer the telecaster sound, but I have developed that preference over years of experience, just as most who work with a particular interface to work in chip have developed their preferences over time.
Although what one will learn in LSDJ is not necessarily as universal to other interfaces as learning on one type of guitar is to other guitars, it is easy to get and well supported, and will teach you how to work with limitations in terms of sound, interface, channel count, etc etc.
Besides, gameboy music is probably his best bet based on budget and available gear.
1,369 Apr 10, 2011 6:44 pm
Re: Using LSDJ as a midi sequencer! (180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
What do those settings actually do? Fiddling with them seems to change the results I'm getting, but not in any predictable way.
When I hit start, I always get one status light blinking, then from there I get an occasional single blink at random. I think it just sent a note off even though I haven't programmed any?
While I was out walking the dog I was thinking about the cable pinout. In the LSDJ forum post there's a comment that says it needs an extra wire inside the cable - there's only four wires inside the DMG connector on my arduinoboy, and based on the info I can find they're 5V, ground, serial in and clock. There's also five wires from the link cable connected to the bottom of the arduinoboy board. I'm guessing that the serial out wire is what I'm missing here?
herr_prof, did you do any modification to your arduinoboy when you set yours up?
edit: I've determined that my serial out is indeed connected, but for some reason the ground pin was messed up. I've fixed that, but nothing seems to have changed. hrm.
1,370 Apr 10, 2011 2:00 pm
Re: Using LSDJ as a midi sequencer! (180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
A note about the FTDI cable, this is a smidge cheaper and has status LEDs on it:
Meanwhile, I'm having trouble getting this to work quite properly through my scienceguy arduinoboy. It does not have the reversed MIDI out cable problem (it's too recent and I've used MIDI thru before). I have reprogrammed it with Arduinoboy 1.2.0, reflashed my cart with the modified version of LSDJ. LSDJ is set to MIDIOUT sync mode, and the arduinoboy is set to mode 6 (all the LEDs blink when it is selected - I've deduced that this is MIDIOUT mode, but I tried all the other modes just in case).
What I'm getting is sporadic midi note signals (one every 6 or so iterations of the running pattern, when I should be getting consistent ones (obviously). I've tried both N and Q commands with similar effect. The arduinoboy lights reflect this problem, so I'm fairly certain that the issue is between the gameboy and the arduinoboy.
It feels like a wiring problem, but upon a pretty intense visual inspection, nothing seems physically wrong. I'd appreciate any thoughts.
1,371 Apr 6, 2011 4:49 pm
Re: Revisiting Old Tunes (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I never throw anything away, but I never listen to or look at any of my old ideas unless I'm stuck on something new. I often find something I can reuse.
1,372 Apr 6, 2011 1:24 am
Re: Litewall Art (147 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Thank you! Got it from my email! Gave me neat ideas though about stretching the NES tileset to the max. :3
You've been super helpful SD, I really appreciate it.
1,373 Apr 5, 2011 11:32 pm
Re: Litewall Art (147 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Okay so, I opened this up in yy-chr. The images are drawn using one color for one design, and another color for a different design within one tile, and a third color for the overlap. Very clever!
Is there a nifty way to work with this that doesn't involve wracking my brain about it, or is brain-wracking the only way to go about it?
1,374 Apr 5, 2011 10:46 pm
Re: Litewall Art (147 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
It is super clever, thanks! Show them the logo one!
1,375 Apr 4, 2011 6:46 pm
Re: Using LSDJ as a midi sequencer! (180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
hooooolllyyyyy fuuuuuckckkckckck
1,376 Apr 3, 2011 3:31 pm
Re: [USA] Anamanaguchi's Cool US Tour (march-april 2011) (80 replies, posted in Past Events)
April 7th is fast approaching. Anamana and the Peelanders are in Stockton tomorrow, then they're on my doorstep on Thursday!
I wanted to point out to everyone that if you can't make the San Francisco show, you can check out the debut of The Glowing Stars and Anamanaguchi and Peelander-Z's sets on this webcast thingie that the DNA Lounge has: