This is so gorgeous...
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This is so gorgeous...
I don't think I've ever played or recorded a song (chip or not) and then never improved it (or at least changed it) later. Pieces are never done.
Songs usually take a long time to come together for me. They'll often sit around as skeletal ideas - an iphone recording of me mumbling, a few bars of notation with a couple lyrics, an LSDJ scrap - for up to a year before I come back to them. I work well collaboratively in that respect, I almost always have something stored up that fits right in with a new idea that can get my creative partner's proverbial juices flowing.
If the question is more one of programming time, I can usually bang out a cover in a few hours, then come back to it a couple days later and touch it up and feel real good about it.
each of the 2 LSDJ songs i've done so far were completed within a 24-hour period, but that was only because i was using the demo version that wouldn't save. hammer out tune, record, hit power off, blam data gone =/
Dude, that's when you pay the $2 to get the full version.
Could you tell me what I'm looking at here exactly?
Parts. He's saying you should learn to build your own cables. I concur. Best and cheapest way to always have reliable cables.
Really Nice Analing Lamp?
Seriously, the RNC is great. I have two of them - I use them to cleanup Gameboy outputs, level off drum overheads, compress final mixes etc etc. Versatile, great sounding, and cheap.
Here's a thread on gearslutz that suggests you may want the RNLA and discusses the differences:
This is rad, gonna have to try it.
Also; since this clearly means you have a mold to make or a source to get power switches - any chance of selling just switches in colors other than light grey? It would be amazing to start to be able to replace them with clear, PIL or other versions. Always feels like a weak point after doing some appearance mods.
Doubtful. It's really a niche market, and I doubt any physical stores, anywhere, sell oldschool GB carts.
I'm also certain that I have spare GB speakers I could send out.
holy crap man, every time, wow
I mean, you just wired a commercial bluetooth audio set into it, right? But how did you fit the damn thing in there? If I ever got something like your RGB boy closed and working in the first place, I don't think I'd ever want to open it up again!
I'd be cautious about using a Kaoss pad for recordings,
Did it once, just for a single effect on one album. Goddamn nightmare - couldn't get a good level out of the stupid thing. Never again.
Yeah, but you'll appreciate it in a way that I don't really. I have fond memories of it, but I won't be losing those memories by sending the cart off. A new USB cart though, now that I can use.
editing the post
Each of the four effects can only be within its group.
First button is sample based effects, second is oscillation based effects, third is filter based effects, fourth is memory based effects. Can't change their order, can't use more than one from a category.
I can't say that it wouldn't be useful for someone, but I have no particular use for it myself. I have a kp2 which I used to use all the time, but haven't used in quite awhile.
Well I'd rather trade - I'll just edit the selling part out of the post. I'm going to get back to you on your offer, I believe I'd like to take you up on it.
So, I have these two old carts.
The one on the right is claimed.
The one on the left is my second LSDJ cart, which I bought locally on craigslist with LSDJ 3.7.5 on it, which is also still installed. I'm assuming it's a 32MB, but I have no way to check since I have no transferrer. Works fine.
They both work great, batteries are fine and everything.
I would love to trade this out for... something? A DMG? Spare parts? Some neat buttons? A backlight? I dunno, something useful.
Lemme know, yos.
awesome / Forums / Posts by kineticturtle