So I hear if enough people say the word jawn at once something astonishing, terrible... awful... will happen...


Not like anybody (or anyTHING) is planning on that happening...

they really managed to draw out a rather large number of words from such a simple topic lol

SubWooferSpecial wrote:
ovenrake wrote:

I wanna go

Come back. We miss you yo

mizz uuuuuuuuuuuu
we also have some unfinished biznezz

good show, ladies and gentlemen!

windows 7

Delek wrote:

The sound of the intro screen is playing at background?

yes! but the window just stays blank like that

btw, congrats on the newest build!

edit: I tried the latest build. still running into the same issue, sorry for being such a downer tongue

I checked, open gl is installed, my graphics drivers are up to date. This is what happens when I try to load up deflemask:

Basically, it loads, but I get a blank window. Thoughts?

(thanks again for the help, my friend!)

new computer tongue
harddrive failure on the last one
my graphics card is the Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family

is there some driver update you think i'd need? (again, thank you SO MUCH for your assistance!)

full_screen 0
window_width 1218
window_height 749
max_fps 50
current_skin redSky
sound_system GENESIS
sound_system_mode 0
highlight_a 16
highlight_b 8
buffer_size 1
play_on_load 1
skip_intro 0
waveform_viewer 1
horizontal_effects 0
keyslayout default

the skin originally read "default" i tried changing it to "redSky" but no luck

I didn't modify the config file at all after i downloaded it hmm

The latest version of deflemask will start up and play the start up sound, and it will display the menu bar, but the rest of the screen will remain completely blank. Any ideas?

I'm running windows 7 64 bit.

fuck! totally wish i could be there! wicked lineup yoooo


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

OH ahwesome! If only there was some way for you guys to do a live set together ....


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

bryface wrote:

cons: the highly suspect kerning between the "A" and "Y" in your bandcamp header image


nah this is real nice!

a large portion of these two tunes are ambient noise stuff

but yeah, if you have access to two dmgs, i highly recommend live mixing with a... mixer... to get really good volume control

or even just like, adjusting the volume knob on the dmg while recording live, haha

Jellica wrote:

I'm sure that it is 10 times worse in dubstep communities or somewhere like Deviantart.

That's actually why i don't go on dsf (dubstepforum) anymore. 2 years ago you'd see Benga, Excision, Zomby, Joker, Reso, etc just shooting the shit and dropping tips/new jams (skream has released a SHITTON of free tunes, just, because, why not). Now though, all you really see are people trying to one up each other with flashier photoshop effects, excision midrange basslines, and more followers (listeners? questionable) on soundcloud.

I mean... one of the major reasons the terms "post dubstep" and "bassmusic" exist now are because chill cats have had to distance themselves from all the bullshit the newwave of "producers" has... produced.

could op please give me an example of some "throwaway" chipmusic releases?
Idk about you guys, but the cats I roll with put their all into every single song they write. I mean, there isn't any reason to do otherwise, if you want your music to have ANY impact, to cause ANY small ripple at all in the massive ocean of the universe, you have to embed your soul into everything you do.
I'd tell people who don't give their all to go fuck themselves and make an active effort to delete them irl, but there isn't really any need. Those who aren't in this for the luv will fade with time, sooner rather than later.