(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Or do something much less destructive and just solder to pre-pot and turn the volume down...

Thanks man! That's what I was doing before too. Then I started etching my own boards and that was extremely tedious which eventually lead me to this.

The caps are 100uf and 6.3v, same as the stock ones. Would you suggest a change?

Actually, it was more so because someone got ripped apart by a bunch of people on 8bc for saying "pro sound". But I have a feeling you're the culprit for the pro sound-line out conflict. Haha.

The jack indeed does have a weird pin orientation, it made it a lot simpler to do the prototypes. All three are in the back. I really hate using SMT stuff unless its actual chips or small components. I think those SMT jacks really only work on portable CD players where they're held in place with the plastic chassis.

And the jack is thru hole! I made sure of that.

I figured you'd like the 'pro sound' bit wink

They're to replace the stock ones. I know they're not absolutely crucial, but they're dirt cheap and take up minimal space.

By the way, If anyone wants to buy one of these to try out, I do have a few extras.

The price is unavoidable, unfortunately. The actual jacks are ridiculously expensive and the price multiplied by five midway through the production of the boards.

Probably not much room to add decoupling caps, but they could be added on another board and just mounted on the side. I really haven't heard any complaints from anyone who uses pro sound without them, but I guess it's something to look into. The caps just take up so much space...

I may be able to push $20.00 on the price, but it's cutting it close.  It's pretty much a take or leave it kind of deal here. Not much can be done about the price without a re-design. Since I don't anticipate a lot of purchases with this mod, there would be no significant price breaks in a big order either.

Awesome stuff. Does Krikzz have any plans for a gameboy one? I guess he's just covering the consoles that have received minimal attention at the moment.

Also saw the NES Midi cart earlier today. Very, very awesome. I'll do a pre-order if I can afford it.

Hiya folks,

This is a project I've been working on for quite some time.

It's a remade audio filter board for the DMG. It consists of an additional PCB mounted jack. All components remain in tact, and are replaced with new ones. (New caps, new inductors)

First of all, I'd like to say that yes, I know this project may seem useless to a lot of people. It's not at all useless to me, and may not be useless to other modders. So there's no need to point that out. smile

This is not a practical replacement for a panel mount pro sound jack, both because these are expensive to make and a little more difficult to install

The benefit to this mod is a lot of important space is saved in the DMG. The installation, if done correctly, looks professional. This is likely how it would have been if Nintendo decided to include a line out jack.

I spent a lot of timing trying to find the 'perfect' components for this. Lots of datasheet reading. I didn't want to use cheap jacks, and a lot of the PCB mount jacks I purchased and tried were very cheap and easily breakable. This one is perfect because from the outside, it's a very similar size to the stock headphone jack, but green- which usually signifies a line out jack.

Another plus is the durability. You don't have to worry about the nut coming unscrewed for the jack, and no glue is necessary to keep it in place.

It also adds no height to the DMG. I know this sounds petty, but it won't interfere with things like nuby speakers and such.

If anyone would be interested in purchasing one of these, please let me know so I can take into consideration how many need to be ordered. Due to the cost of materials, this will probably run around $25 give or take.

And onto the pictures:

Why, yes! It does say 'pro sound' instead of 'line out'. Why? Almost the entire chiptune community knows of this mod as the 'pro sound mod'. The term is  exclusive to gameboy mods (for the most part). Despite it maybe being a bit random, and perhaps rather silly sounding and not an official term, I like it...

The inductors are currently just branched with component legs as they haven't arrived yet. Messy soldering, but it's just a test.

Installed in a DMG

From the outside.  Quick test on a broken shell


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

an0va wrote:

pm'd for nuby lights

What happened? You never got back to me after offering a price and committing to purchase them...

Nuby lights available again, I suppose.


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I bought some cords to hard wire into those external battery packs. Hilariously enough, one of them fit.

It works great. Not sure if the batteries have much life in them, but it functions as a wall adapter too.

Same price $10.00

I have two more after this, and I'll probably hard wire the cords in.


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm not sure, I only had what was in the picture...


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Handy Carry case is sold. Awaiting payment on the nuby lights.

Might just include the SP thing free with a purchase if anyone wants it.



(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Where did you get the polarized film and/or kit? Other colors do exist, but I don't know any suppliers that sell them. I'd like to try some out.


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you have the contrast dial in the right place, you can make a blue inverted backlight look like it's in the normal polarized position.


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Blue was inverted, red was normal wink