As I slowly wake up I realized I should specify: if FantomenK or Dubmood released the tracks in question under a license (i.e. some creative commons licenses) that permits derivative works, then this would probably not be infringement.

Worth mentioning: I wouldn't sign on as a Flame Army Recruit. It generally isn't terribly effective.

No expert or lawyer but if this is all being done either without permission, or exceeding whatever permission may have been given, then yeah it's infringing. Trouble is we don't know how broad or specific any permission Dubmood & FantomenK may have given these guys. Best course of action is to alert Dubmood (sounds like that's taken care of) and FantomenK. Rule of thumb: noncommercial infringement is still infringement. In other words, the part that matters is the permission of the originating artist, not the presence or absence of commercial exploitation on the part of those who've appropriated the original work.

edit: clarifying, sort of, someone give me coffee plz


(39 replies, posted in Trading Post)

arlen wrote:

Do your own laundry.

YOU do my laundry!!!1!

Actually the difference in cost between doing it yourself and dropping it off is so little that the time and hassle saved is totally worth it PLUS I could never fold this shit as expertly as the pros do. They fold reeeal nice.


(39 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Mens' medium.

My stupid laundromat lost mine, which I brought home from fucking Japan; I really almost killed them.


Thank you ladies and gentlemen I'll be here all week


technical shorthand "drasmosis"

Osmotically propagating drama

Do Want

Plz Bring

Next Wk

Thx Bye

PixyJunket wrote:

Try this, sweetie.

Yeah but "bit shifter" is a general computing term, I don't think I have much of an infringment argument.

10k wrote:
Bit Shifter wrote:

Yeah when they first made this feature available, "Pages" had to have a minimum of 1000 fans, but personal profiles had no constraints, which is how some guy grabbed for his personal profile before I could for my page. *weeps openly*

Must be tough having over 1000 people as your fan on facebook.

Uh, I didn't? That's why it sucks?

It was found by me!

Yeah when they first made this feature available, "Pages" had to have a minimum of 1000 fans, but personal profiles had no constraints, which is how some guy grabbed for his personal profile before I could for my page. *weeps openly*


(54 replies, posted in Releases)

herr_prof wrote:
Bit Shifter wrote:

Next time please consider catering to my exact and specific tastes?

This album RULES.