Frostbyte wrote:

You guys are taking so little time to do this, what with all your fancy analog synths and fancy electronics. In order for you to write good music, you need to carve the notes into rocks and play each part individually into a ceramic pot recording.

that. was pretty funny.

this is a pretty classic debate actually, and an interesting read on the subject (beyond Malcolm Gladwell, who I find to be a bit "light") is Galenson's "Old Masters and Young Geniuses", which argues that both can be right but usually for different reasons: … 0691121095

this thread is hilarious


(92 replies, posted in Releases)

sure PayPal takes its percentage, but... that shouldn't be reason not to continue. in mean, half of the web does business using only paypal so it's obviously not that much of a disincentive.

I do kinda like the "it's free now, but go donate directly" idea though


(92 replies, posted in Releases)

why close it? just periodically send them money. I mean... don't close it! send them more money!


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I really just like noodling around with music. like its my absolute favorite thing and has been my whole life.


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

minusbaby wrote:

If you haven't sold the one with my sticker on it, bring it to NYC the next time you're here and I'll autograph it. That ought to increase its value half-fold.

kris keyser bought that one up! you should def autograph it though


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

not anymore!


(6 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

it might be easier to do it just with a laptop, but you can do up to 8 different samples on the iphone nanoloop (i think). also there are a ton of other iphone apps that will sample and playback on a beat, such at RealBeat (reviewed here : ), that might be an wasier way to go about it. Good luck!


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

bumping this because WOW


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)


just wow


(34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

even seeing you guys do that somewhat ironically makes me feel dirty :[

jake, ive definitely had similar problems. report it to oliver (i have a couple of times) and maybe we'll get some updates ;P


(25 replies, posted in Audio Production)

weird thing ive noticed recently is that i actually prefer chipmusic / electronic tracks to be in ~128kbp. and i dont mean just bloops and bleeps LOL8BIT, but produced tracks and everything. that grainy sound of the artifacts just evens out digital high frequency stuff really nicely to my ears.

128k definitely sucks for acoustic instruments and cymbals though, no question


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

herr_prof wrote:

I should point out that ANT1 already tried to show us the shining path: … in-review/

to be fair... those are some pretty great tracks. if thats the quality to be expected from him as a curator then he has my vote