I'll tell you first hand, the Apeshit PCB is awesome. I have one on my personal Gameboy.
Could you go into a bit more detail? SNR really good?
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by cheapshot
I'll tell you first hand, the Apeshit PCB is awesome. I have one on my personal Gameboy.
Could you go into a bit more detail? SNR really good?
Analog wrote:WANKERS
I mean, you do enjoy shaking white hot coconuts from your veiny love tree now, don't ya?
Acid boy is fucking amazing! Is it pro-sounded too?
Will check it out now! Good ol' Netflix
Been thinking about this since I saw it posted earlier.
I'm not going to touch on the argument of whether music quality can be judged, as that seems to be covered quite well above. However, hears my 2p:
A country may appear to have a higher overall quality of output for a number of reasons as I see it:
1) The main output of that country are a few artists that just happen to produce high-quality tunes (unlikely as it is).
2) The opposite is that the countries that you are comparing it against, like gun-toting, fat, lazy, over-confident countries (not mentioning any names of course ) have a LOT of producers, some good, but the majority bad, producing something like "My First LSDJ Song (2)" (Get the reference?
). Additionally, as they are over-confident, they feel like they don't need to expend that much effort into the production of their pieces to be considered good, and leave them half-arsed finished.
3) The "friend" in the OP hasn't heard enough music from the country that appears to have an overall higher-quality output compared to other countries which makes their output seem high-quality.
4) The major chip music forums (as far as I can tell anyway) are in English and aimed at English speakers. It is thus difficult for non-natives to make a name for themselves in the community, so they may have to make their music do the talking. Ergo: the people that stand out from this "high-quality output country" obviously have high quality music. Think of the opposite: as a native english speaker, you don't even have to have the best tunes in the world to make a name for yourself in the scene, you could just be a really active forum member. Therefore the community could be filled with artists that have mediocre tunes, but are very active.
Rushed these out before I lost them. Hope they make sense.
Thanks for clarifying that Oliver. I'm glad it is a known bug and not just me going crazy. Looking forward to the next update!
I could do a week on mixing tracks down
Possibly. I'm not sure though. It's a brand new cart I just bought that was preloaded with 2.5.4. The interface looks a lot better, but this pause/shuffle thing is not documented, which is causing me these problems. Maybe oliver will come n set things straight for us. /shrug
Hey all,
I've been playing around with the new version of Nanoloop on the GBA and come across a bit of an issue. I wonder if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong, or if this is in fact a known problem.
I think it has something to do with the new pause function. Pressing A when the playback menu is highlighted (▶▶), and then jogging the track on by pressing A a few times pushes that channel totally out of sync with the rest of the track. OK, I'll go back to the screen with all the patches and just hit B and Up to recover the patch from it's previous state (or so I thought!) but that didn't help, the channel seems to be saved like that without you actually saving it.
Can anyone explain to me what I'm doing to cause this problem, and perhaps help me get my tunes back in sync? Man, I'm feeling like a noob with this right now
EDIT: Just messing with it a little more now, it appears that the problem can be rectified when you restart the program. Lucky escape, but still not sure why it happens in the first please
W T F, where's the bass?
Joking... obviously, but today does appear to be Insult A Chiptuner Day.
EDIT: and my names cheapshot, so what do you expect, really?
Started with a bang! Love this echo tut. Really well made!!
hahaha I'll take that little-scale. My troll face is a lil concerning though eh Celcius?
I wanna see facundo jr. two-stepping through the blip crowd.
Or getting his skank on with my little one
Would love to be going, but I doubt I'll get out there again this year :'( DAMN!
interesting idea mate. I'll whip something up
^ Cool namedropping, bro
eh eh, calm down kidder.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by cheapshot