This Friday! lub-tesla/
370 Jun 4, 2013 5:11 pm
Topic: [DK, Copenhagen] June 7th - Klub Tesla (1 replies, posted in Past Events)
The following info is in Danish:
Klub Tesla præsenterer en GRATIS KONCERTAFTEN med dansk/svensk elektronisk musik med relation til SYNTH, 8-BIT, TECHNO og PUNK. De optrædende navne er Ras Bolding, Nordloef, Giedo Primo, BitLuder og Sarofer Zertaga.
22:00 - BitLuder
23:00 - Ras Bolding
24:00 - Giedo Primo
01:00 - Nordloef
02:00 - Sarofer Zertaga
Anarko-chiptune-revolution. Bevæbnet med sin Nintendo Gameboy bekæmper århsianske BitLuder alverdens fascime med dyb bas, elektroniske klange og rytmer.
Ras Bolding
New wave-vokal, synthesizere i lag, live Commodore 64 og masser af lasere og neonlys! Med sig bringer Bolding Kvartermesteren på bas og svenske Tess Fries på gæstevokal og synth.
Giedo Primo
Veteran fra den odenseanske electronicascene, der musikalsk favner bredt, fra acid over 8-bit til instrumental electropop og rave, alt sammen udført live og med plads til improvisation.
Svensk chiptune med baggrund i lige dele elektronisk musik og punk. Udstyret med Nintendo Gameboy skaber han upbeat instrumental popmusik med fokus på melodier og højt tempo.
Sarofer Zertaga
En ung svensker med punkattituder og knaldrød Commodore 64; svær at sætte i bås - lo-fi datapunk og ganske ukontrolleret energi live på scenen!”
/ nordloef
372 Jun 4, 2013 4:59 pm
Re: Arduinoboy not getting along with FL Studio (12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
What kind of midi signal are you sending?
373 Jun 4, 2013 4:57 pm
Re: Vileplume - Into the Night [The EP to define True KVLT ChipMetal) (20 replies, posted in Releases)
Soo damn good
374 Jun 3, 2013 3:52 pm
Re: Bitman's selling bits and pieces UPDATE: all gone :D (31 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Nanoloop 1.6 is still up for sale, $30. Willing to trade for unmodded DMGs.
How much is shipping to sweden?
375 Jun 3, 2013 7:53 am
Re: Mastering or straight sound? (95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
this is going to sound douchy, but what people are talking about 99.999% of the time when they say "mastering" is... just mixing.
mixing. dont be afraid of the word.
376 Jun 2, 2013 4:11 pm
Re: Bitman's selling bits and pieces UPDATE: all gone :D (31 replies, posted in Trading Post)
*Stands in line for the nanoloop cart*
377 May 30, 2013 10:14 pm
Re: New FM Chipmusic only Forum (SEGA, MSDOS, MSX...) (36 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm wondering what happened to
378 May 30, 2013 6:26 pm
Topic: [SWE, Malmö] June 1 - Chipmusic workshop at Joystick 5.0 (0 replies, posted in Past Events)
My two friends Snorkelitzor och smohm is holding a chipmusic workshop in Malmö.
Following info is in Swedish
Chipmusikworkshop på Joystick 5.0
Imorgon (fredag 31 maj) går Joystick 5.0 av stapeln. Under två kvällar kommer Malmö Symfoniorkester bjuda på storslagna versioner av musikstycken från spelhistorien.
Spelkultur i Skåne kommer inte bara att vara på plats med ett bås utan anordnar också en workshop i chipmusik kl 15 på lördag. Helt gratis! Alla får vara med!
Till vår hjälp har vi workshopledarna och chipmusikerna Snorkelitzor och smohm. Såhär skriver de själva om vad de tänker hitta på:Har du alltid undrat hur man egentligen gör chipmusik?
Vilken tur du har!
På lördag kl 15.00 kommer Snorkelitzor och smohm till Joystick 5.0 och berättar hur det egentligen går till!
Vilka vågformer är dom coolaste? vilken grooveinställning som ger bäst sväng och framförallt vilka program man kan använda?
Ta med din laptop och lurar om du är sugen på att faktiskt lära dig nånting när vi har pratat klart så hjälper vi dig lite grann.
Låter det bra? Gött! Då ses vi!
Välkomna! stick-5-0/
/ nordloef
379 May 29, 2013 9:41 pm
Re: LSDJ Video Tutorial - Combining Wav Kicks w/ Basses; Pre Snare Instr (21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
nordloef wrote:About your table for the tonal kickdrum, you say that the K command comes in after three ticks, when it should actually be three steps or nine ticks. Three steps at groove 3:3 is 9 ticks (3*3).
If I'm not mistaken, each step on the table screen equal one tick and one step on the phrase screen equals the number of tics designated by the groove. Which in my example, the kick only used 3 table steps, and the kick instrument occupied only one phrase step. So since my phrase was running on a groove of 3/3 each phrase step was only 3 ticks long. Am I missing something?
You're right about the E2 E7 thing. It's just a workflow preference for me.
I didn't see it as a rant. I find most all feedback helpful, an appreciate it all. but thank you for considering my feelings/reactions to your comments.
I was pretty sure you had the G command in the table and not in the phrase, so I rewatched it, and of course I was wrong. You are of course completely right! I stand corrected. Sorry about that.
380 May 29, 2013 9:02 pm
Re: LSDJ Video Tutorial - Combining Wav Kicks w/ Basses; Pre Snare Instr (21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
About your table for the tonal kickdrum, you say that the K command comes in after three ticks, when it should actually be three steps or nine ticks. Three steps at groove 3:3 is 9 ticks (3*3).
Also using E2 and transpose in the table can be a bit confusing for beginners and also a waste of cpu and space when you just could have E7 to begin with. Just a thought.
I personally would make the tonal kickdrum in another way because I don't like how it takes up two steps in the phrase and that you're using G3:3. But each to his own.
Don't take this as a rant. I really like to watch how other people go about doing things in lsdj. Keep up the good work!
381 May 29, 2013 4:30 pm
Re: What projects should i start with my plethora of DMG's? (14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
382 May 29, 2013 4:29 pm
Re: Midihub++ (12 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
nordloef wrote:Wow awesome! Only thing I want to complain about is that it's USB-powered and those leds look really annoying.
usb powered makes sense though since almost everyone has an ac/usb adapter around the house at this point, no need for a wall wart...
i'd see more of a potential problem if it were passive or powered by midi
I guess I'm not like most people though. I have zero ac/usb adapters but maybe 40-50 normal 9v adapters. For me USB = computers, yeah I know it's only for power. Thats why I find it so silly.
383 May 29, 2013 10:43 am
Re: Midihub++ (12 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Wow awesome! Only thing I want to complain about is that it's USB-powered and those leds look really annoying.
384 May 29, 2013 10:39 am
Re: Need help with Soundcards / Ableton (8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
And use asio4all if you have a normal crappy built in soundcard.
But best is to buy a real soundcard of course.