(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

Market people, it will be running 12 - 5pm. Please get down a bit before 12 to get your tables set up! Thanks.

(I know I've posted this elsewhere - just repeating myself to be on the safe side)


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

So who's all planning on selling stuff at the Chip Market on Sunday? There'll be plenty of room for all - just trying to get an idea of numbers.


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

SAMWAVE wrote:

i Havent received an email.

You have, man. smile  It was sent back in June and you replied to it. I've sent it to you again.


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

calmdownkidder wrote:

Is there any more of an idea of times for acts on the Saturday?

Live music both nights kicks off 8pm and runs until 3am. Every act has been sent an email with approximate stagetime - didn't you get yours?


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

Sunday afternoon details finally confirmed. All happening upstairs at the Forest ('room 2' is connected to the main hall):

12pm, main hall – Chip Market starts, ongoing until 5pm. A range of chip-related music, accessories, art, electronics, other, will be on offer for you to peruse and purchase.

1pm, room 2 – ‘The VJ Survival Guide’, presented by LastKnight

2pm, room 2 – LSDJ tutorial, presented by Edward Shallow

3pm, main hall – Tonylight performs live!

4pm, room 2 – Circuit Bending tutorial, presented by Enfant Bastard

5pm – CLOSE, so setup/soundchecking can start for that night.

Each tutorial will be up to 1 hour in length (but no longer), and will be FREE to attend.

Don’t miss Tonylight! Hear great live music while browsing chip goods, 3-4pm!


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

Italy's own Tonylight will be playing a special afternoon set on the Sunday! Final details & times for Sunday afternoon activities (tutorials, chip market, Tonylight) will be confirmed & announced this weekend.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks for all the replies & help! I won't have time to try out any of these solutions for a couple of days, but once I do I'll report back on the results.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nickmaynard wrote:

why does the midi guitar send out 6 different signals? one for each string?

it sounds to me like it's sending out stuff on channel 4, the noise channel. are there settings on your midi guitar that let you pick what midi channel you're on?

I'm guessing it sends out one signal for each string. This could be a fantasy.

Also, I was accidentally being misleading when I said all I got was noise - I meant random sounds, not actual noise channel. It sounds like a mess of pulse sounds, even if you're being careful to only pick one string at a time.

I can find no settings on the guitar to pick what midi channel you're on. I've checked the manual - it doesn't seem to be an option.

J. Arthur Keenes wrote:

This is all the information you'll ever need on the subject.

You actually got my hopes up there. sad


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I tried searching for info on this here & over at 8bc but couldn't find anything. Also I'm a total newcomer to midi, so I apologise if this is a stupid question.

I'm running a midi guitar (Yamaha EZ-AG) into the midi-in port of an Arduinoboy connected to a DMG running mGB. When I play the guitar, all I get is noise. I'm guessing this is because the guitar is sending out 6 seperate midi signals, which the Arduinoboy has no way of interpreting & correctly channeling to mGB.

I'm thinking that some kind of software interface between the guitar & the Arduinoboy is required. However, I have no idea what software or how it would be set up. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or tell me if I am totally wrong?

Any help would be much appreciated.


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

Thanks guys!

LastKnight: We have stage times in mind, but we're not announcing them until closer to the event in case things change. The Forest is open all day, so it's not like there's a 'doors open' time or anything, but I acknowledge that a start time would have been good to include. It's not on the poster, but we'll probably give 8pm as general kick-off in future.


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)


See here for image links, if you're looking to engage in some kind of promotion.


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

Kyle, visuals on Sunday are being done by Roberty Motyka & Pointless Creations. I'll email you with more details.


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

Final line-up revealed!


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Will the covers special be available to download soon? I missed it.


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

This is great. I'll be taking one of those CDs.


(123 replies, posted in Past Events)

PDF Format will not be playing. sad