(25 replies, posted in Past Events)


have a nice one ui smile

token wrote:

can you please change the title of this thread to 2a03 vs. z80 thanks

1) that is  needlessly pedantic

2) i think that is actually a worse title since the gb doesn't have a z80 in it and a z80 sounds like this:

also "2a03 vs. z80" could be talking about anything other than sound whereas "game boy sounds vs. nes sounds" is pretty clear

yeah generic fields is a good idea

i don;'t see why a twitter accoconut deserves ITS OWN FIELD while a personal website, etc, does not. it would just contribute to the ongoing homogenisation of internet (only websites are twitter, google, facebook, and things you can only log into with a twitter, google, facebook account)

maybe he means timpani

an orchestra hit generally plays a chord it isn't just a blast of low resolution white noise

try doing a "pitch" sweep rather than a fixed "note", that might help

Jansaw wrote:
ant1 wrote:

here is my ranking of chiptones

{toad vst, peach vst} < {gameboy, magical 8 bit plugin vst} < {atari pokey, atari ST} < {nes, atari 2600, amiga} < {sid, mega drive, opl3, pc-engine} < {spectrum 128k, bbc micro, opl2, pc speaker} < IMPULSE TRACKER

This is a fair list! But I'd put in plogue chipsounds somewhere with gameboy and magical 8bit.

never heard it! the consensus seems to be that it is way better than magical 8 bit plugin though!

chipsounds does a whole range of stuff though, if you emulate gb or atari on it i don't suppose it is going to sound any better than gb or atari do... so it might be hard to place in this kind of list? dunno

just put it in your description

i guess the thing about the threads is that if you post your facebook in a facebook thread, you are saying "it's ok to add me on facebook" or even "i'd like people to add me on facebook". you are being a bit less positive about being added on facebook by tucking it away on your profile

but if you really don't want to be added on facebook, don't share your facebook link

i used a free php script to make http://aanaaanaaanaaana.net/

i spent about 20 minutes editing the php and 10 minutes editing the css to get it looking like this. all i ever have to do from now on is bung stuff on ftp and it Just Works

i dunno if that is the kind of thing you are looking for, you can find the script here: http://www.evoluted.net/thinktank/web-d … ing-script

edit: if you chose to go this route i'd be willing to spend a little while helping you set it up. not becoming an INTERN though!

here is my ranking of chiptones

{toad vst, peach vst} < {gameboy, magical 8 bit plugin vst} < {atari pokey, atari ST} < {nes, atari 2600, amiga} < {sid, mega drive, opl3, pc-engine} < {spectrum 128k, bbc micro, opl2, pc speaker} < IMPULSE TRACKER < (edit:) COMPOSER 669

the "pwm" you can do on a NES sounds really bad

i wouldn't rely on that for anything apart from techno space-modem sounds

possibly he is doing music for a system that has no tracker yet (or did such a thing go extinct since deflemask) yikes

i used mml for pc-engine before deflemask and i think there still isn't an MSX tracker or maybe x68000 or pc9801 or?? dunno

possibly it is based on ticks, possibly with twenty-four ticks per quarter note



(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

it's more like if writers got angry about a blog post that said

For the uninitiated, “books” are textual versions of hollywood movies that look as if they were made for steam powered printing presses from two centuries ago. A large underground community is dedicated to bookifying movies...

not that i think it is worth getting upset about either smile

rah rah i deserve to be paid to do my hobby that i would do anyway

Witch Hunts are always fun though!! remember LEGALSOUNDZ?  remember that girl that dexter said he was going to throw a pie at but didn't and sycamore drive tried to get expelled from university?

remember timbaland?



i hate games though smile hopefully they make a non interactive version

edit:: but if you like games you will Really Like raquel meyers game