(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yuh wrote:

im thinking of getting this right in the middle of my back just under my shoulder blades


Sit on it for a few years. Tattoos last a lifetime.


(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:

Midibox, build it, then what? Interfacing with it is a pain in the balls. A major one.
That was the beauty of the HardSID VST interface.

It's not that bad, there is a software editor for it. I'm working on a max for live patch myself. smile


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Well if your going for a smart phone, Yeah I would agree Win is not the best choice (I have followed this since the early versions of winCE)
Being that Palm, Google Android, and Apple all rule for smart phones / mp3 player / video / email / popcorn maker / espresso machine / private sushi chef.


(34 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

akira^8GB wrote:
tRasH cAn maN wrote:

I love them tweets. As much as I love Akira's compulsive criticizing. wink

In no way it is compulsive, but now that the balloon has proved to be grounds for unmoderated abuse from someone to one another, I like it even less. I'm not offended, nor I find it funny, but it's specially notable how any shit can be written on it to be fed onto everyone else without an option. I rather have some useful information being forced on me than this.

Maybe you take things a bit too seriously?


(23 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

no i mean like a $10 toy. you know the feeling.


(23 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

at least on the white plastic one its horrid. my came default with the screen slightly discolored from the screws being too tight. also the plastic has that cheap-toy like feeling.


(34 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

xero wrote:

i heart it.
but im w/ animal style.
user feeds would rawk.
in our profiles would be better
then forum signature i think.
rss, twitter, whatever.

twitter and blog rss and facebook and myspace etc is on the to-do list. you can see those url options now in your profile.

xero wrote:

i have discussed this w/ nitro2k01 on gmail.
i wrote a custom php xml/rss feed aggregator
that works flawlessly with flash. all we'd have
to do is setup the aggregator w/ correct SQL
table/column/row names and we could be set.
it's totally searchable too, so it's not just the
newest items. then i (and 1000'x of other flashers)
could make some really awesome jukeboxes and
audio visualizers for the site ;D

hit me up if your interested.

RSS feed is on the to-do list.


(23 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

PSP is much better in terms of battery life, sleep mode, and build quality.  shame for no midi.


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tRasH cAn maN wrote:

@bleo: Thanks!
I think that was when 8bc was called gameboymall.

/me puts on elevator music.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

fixed. it was a problem with getting the right item when there are duplicates due to submit song form errors.


(2 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

true i never adjusted the offset of the bubble aftr I added the music tab. Adding to list. Thanks


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

little-scale wrote:

What a lovely thread!



(52 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Ok thanks, Interesting.


(52 replies, posted in Trading Post)

the mist toggles wrote:

I am also still  looking for a nanovoice cart.
I am not looking for nanovoice/synth roms.
I am looking for a fully functioning official cart.

I thought the "nanovoice" rom image that has been on his site since 2001ish was the "full" version ... ?


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

fixed. nummmmbrrsss