A lot of my setup is either circuitbent toys or stuff I've built myself.  Radioshack and ebay/craigslist are my stops for purchases.  Lovely sounds, inexpensive.  Win-win I suppose.

low-gain wrote:

I will say though. Do not let the "gear" get you too distracted from the thing that's actually important.. the music.
Just get what you can afford, learn that inside and out and go from there.

Absolutely this.


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks for the youtube link, CDK.

Must say, 7AM is a really good track, Multifaros kept the best for last and I pity all who don't make it to the end.

Such a shame I was not there for this.  Your work is partly what encouraged me to get into composing chipmusic, and hell if it doesn't keep me doing so.  Love this.

Neil, a mere forum post cannot properly express my thanks and absolute amazement.  Thanks for the wonderful gift!  I cannot wait to see this get released, NTRQ is going to be outstanding.

The play marker you mentioned above is an interesting concept.  So this then means you can play a) from the start b) from the beginning of your current chain (we'll call it), and c) from a certain marked note?  Or is c) from a certain chain or something?  I'm interested in knowing how that works exactly, very clever.

8bitweapon wrote:

Depeche Mode - Speak & Spell

This album is the reason finding Speak and Spells on ebay/whatever is a total pain.  I end up looking over and "HOLY CRAP, SPEAK AND SPELL MINT FOR $10!" and it's this.

Maaaaan.  Nice cover though, I guess I can't be too upset.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Sort of a side thought for you - maybe somewhere there could be either a pregenerated "random song" link or a button you press that takes you to a random song.  That would be interesting, of course with some given parameters of time or something (or heck, maybe none at all!).  Somewhere where this is easy to find, could help with getting music spread about if you've got a few folks just sort of wanting something new to listen to.

Richmond, VA?!  Hell yes!  I'm like 45 minutes out from your destination - will totally come see you guys!


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I live near this little "city" thing that has a group that puts on all ages shows.  Generally it's your usual acoustic guitar and high-school garage band stuff you would expect to see if you were around this area.  After I did RPM Challenge 2009, a friend told me to sign up for a gig with this all ages group and after laughing it off with "yeah, would be fun," I eventually did.

I was in a library, I do not know why the library had a stage or a PA system, really weird, but that's where I was.  About forty to fifty people were there, all to see the main act who was from another city over.  I went after a one-man acoustic guitar thing and some horrendous death metal flailocolypse group who really sounded plain awful.  Then I go up as horribly afraid as can be and began with what is now my usual stage-banter catch phrase "All you hipsters out there, go tell your friends you saw Beverage in concert, they'll think you're beyond awesome!"  Maybe three laughs.

The music was okay, not my finest work, but the novelty of gameboy music always gets you through the first gig, somebody out there will enjoy it.  Mostly people just stood there, a couple of kids moshed, and a homosexual couple ballroom danced and kissed a bunch.  Seriously weird, but pretty entertaining nonetheless to look down from the stage and see those loons.  I think that the audience really makes this sort of thing possible for newbies - if they like it, you have a good time.  But much like Bit Shifter said above, I also stood shy of perfectly still and really only moved to piddle with the mixer and get my circuitbent garbage to behave.

After everything, the lead act asked me to come back in their set and do a little improv thing with them - I used an emulated version of Pixelh8's music tech pro I happened to have on my PSP.  Real classy.  I didn't know any music theory at all, the guitarist whispered to me what key we were in every now and again and I changed the key accordingly.  I sounded awful and out of place, but they had so much fun that I got asked to do that again on the fourth of July at some bar.

tl:dr, rocky beginning, but in little towns like this, people can be accepting.  I'd have changed things by having better music, but coming home after that first gig after getting applause and all of that junk was pretty great.  Euphoric I think is how I described it at the time.  Eh.  Also, watch out for gay ballroom dancers - those guys were crazy.


(44 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

Uploading via firefox 3 on Fedora 7 linux caused a horrid crash.  That said, not like that's worth fixing as I don't expect that's a common setup, everything works great under firefox in WINE.


(44 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

Trash80, I love you.  May your impressive work live on throughout the generations!


(75 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

http://www.redbubble.com/people/emthree … guys-house

Love this one, sort of reminds me of this lovely pixel art poster I got at Maker Faire a year or two ago.  http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/upl … 082601.jpg


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

poke-1,170 wrote:

god I saw that IT crowd. how horrible it is. the jokes are the kind I wouldn't even make as a funny comment.
because they're the lowest common denominator kind, that take zero effort to come up with and are
as  1 dimensional as fuck.
The only nice thing is spotting the background for designer toys. Which have no relation to the humour
anyway, because those geeks aren't cool enough to dig any of that.
P.s. that black books sucked too.

I don't think I have ever said anything ever that you have not had a rebuttal like this for.

Glad to know that there are some things in life that will never change - The C-Men's hatred for all things is the firm rock upon which we may all rely!


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

-Out of bandwidth and kindness-


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

All in good time.

Also for future reference:  http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/

Does anyone know roughly how long the battery in, say, a bleepbloop non-USB cart lasts?  It's this sort of thing that I'm very worried about and figure I should prepare for.

Oh my, that video is magnificent - cannot wait for the next release.