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Topics by Chainsaw Police
Posts found: 177-192 of 762
roboctopus wrote:understand how everything works so they can experiment more confidently.
roboctopus wrote:understand how everything works so they can experiment more confidently.
roboctopus wrote:understand how everything works so they can experiment more confidently.
I cannot stress this enough! Blindly wanking around in the dark might work for some, but it's dead-hard to get experimenting with no footholds to start out with.
Sure, experimenting is the way to go in most cases with chipmusic, but knowing -how- to experiment can help out greatly.
relo wrote:After +- 3 months of modding my gameboy and failing multiple times with a body count of 5. After I finally finished it I made a background tune for the game I'm working one, gone overboard. Taught maybe it'll be fun to get some feed back. and then uploading is down.

Dude, you've got Soundcloud and the CC forum. What else do you need.
Speaking of which, everyone needs to hear this. Bump
Delek wrote:I readed somewhere that you can't access to the internal Z80 using a GBA game, because there is a hardware lock in the cartridge socket. Or it is a GBA tracker that uses the GBA chip to make a sound like the old Z80?.
I don't know if that's true or not. I've been playing through Fire Emblem for the last few weeks and I noticed a bunch of z80 sound generation (noise channel rumbling, simple square waves, etc).
Granted, it was on an emulator. But it still used what I'm 99% sure was a (emulated) z80 chip's sound capabilities.
dosPrompt wrote:Hey we've been waiting for Darcy to turn 18 since SoundBytes 3 - three months to go and we can legally have him at shows!
We should have, like, some sorta coming-of-age thing when young talented chiptune dudes turn 18
And I thought I came up with something original the other night... Sick work!
also might i say that poster looks absolutely KILLER
abortifacient wrote:Chainsaw Police wrote:November next year, turning 17 in two months.
I should probably give you a set for your 18th. 
Hell yeah
abortifacient wrote:Chainsaw Police wrote:fuck a 18+
Lol the last seven have been all-ages. But this one is free entry. So when are you 18 anyway?
November next year, turning 17 in two months.
Been waiting eagerly for the shipping announcement ...!
Downstate wrote:@Saskrotch - You know a decent comic book reader ? Something like CDisplay ?
i could never find a decent one......or do you just read them with the photo viewer as jpgs ?
Doesn't the PSP come with a native comic reader? I updated mine when I got it the other week and it came stock with a comic reader. Not sure how it goes up against other third-party readers, tho
Downstate wrote:Chiptunes = Win ? Why such a shitty name ? Could only be worse if it was Chiptunes = FTW. imo of course.
egr wrote:We've got the minimum needed, id like to get a lot more obviously 
Awesome! Can't wait
Abortifacient (that dude has mad wav channel design skills) and Vic Road (hella bouncy and all-out fun vibes!)
Posts found: 177-192 of 762 / Forums / Posts by Chainsaw Police