... Really. do you understand how hard it is to solder a surface mount led?


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Man up and post potential bounty! Lol.


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Honestly, you'll probably need to pay more than that for one. I had up a bounty of 75$ and didn't get a hit for maybe a month.


(150 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Holla yall, I, Ian Maize of Maize customs, am glad to announce that two of my gameboys will be on display at blip. You may ask, what madman would do such a thing... The answer is the one and only Kitsch. you may want to check them out as one may just have an experimental prototype something in it. something that may never even be available again. Something that may kill you with want and lust. Something that requires feedback. So check them out if Ye dare to be aMAIZEd. Also please buy everything Matt has on his table.


(150 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Ok so as of now I am out of clear dmgs. sorry that was fast. imma try and stock up on more colors soon. Let me know if there is something you want

Soon Denny's wont serve you. Separate but equal.

Wait. since when are we people

Uhh, okay Beavis


(150 replies, posted in Trading Post)

That DMG is gone, but not to be unseen in public again. But I do have this nice new one to mod

I also got in 6 colors of LEDs for power LEDs. I have red green blue white yellow and orange SMT LEDs.

I have one that is. But it is my childhood gameboy:/

I have a prosound color. think it's kiwi or teal. also a prosound sgb


(150 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Is the price too high, or is the gameboy not the right look or something.


(22 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Kaoss pad. I like its vocalized effects. Although its not really a "pedal" It still can pitch shift it etc.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Classic. glad it's working. you'd be suprised how many times I didn't plug the cable in at all and been totally dumbfounded as to why it didn't work.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

He's pro


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Guess I've been over lucky. I ran an n64 board on my carpet all winter lol. Made a portable and wanted to make sure I could play with the heatsink being as small as I modded it to be, it surprisingly did not get too hot after about 2-3 hours.