Uh, I think you'd have to use mono for sure. Make the ground the tip because otherwise you'll short it (I think?) either way yes this would be a simple mod. do you own a multi meter?

I could backlight it for you, or for money and trade (for your screen) I can send you an LCD with the film peeled off and ready to have backlight dropped in. Let me know


(21 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

nitro2k01 wrote:
12ianma wrote:

Would there be interest in a tutorial for this? Maybe even a video?

Or maybe I can just add 1-2 sentences to mine.

I want to make a video for dummies format. that'd be cool if you would.


(21 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

The two occurrences of the 00 are for that reason. of you use 11 11 11 00 some stuff is missing. test it out for yourself, you will see. It is really nice. I replaced the 2 darkest grays with the darkest. And the two lightest shades with white.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Instal a SDK like eclipse, and run it inside that environment. eclipse is my favorite java sdk


(21 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Would there be interest in a tutorial for this? Maybe even a video?


(21 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

so between this article:

http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2012/03/04 … d-palette/

and using a super gameboy, I realized what I could do to the rom.When using the super gameboy I would change all of the colors to only black and white, to make the image sharper.

What I did was use the binary that nitro listed, and flipped the values to the extremes.since 11 is lightest and 00 is darkest, I was able to use 11 11 00 00 (FO) to make a normal looking and more crisp image of LSDJ's screen on my dmg. The greyscale is cool but I honestly like it better
this way. also you can flip those values to make an inverted and black and white image.

anyway the results



Damnit lol not the type of flashing I wanted

Got enough USB carts now lol, could really use a flasher.


(150 replies, posted in Trading Post)

No one wants this beautiful DMG? Lol, send an offer


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Money sent.

I managed to find one, but how much are they going to charge me to ship it to me? Also there are 3 color choices in Chinese or some other language lol, any insight into that?

Power packs are compact flash, not sd. they are serial. and there are two flashers I am talking about. One being a cart flasher, and the other being a generic "flasher" to program the micro controller with the hex file

Well you'll need to flash the code onto the flasher in order for the flasher to function. uh have you checked out this page:
And SD is a totally different thing. you need some sort of controller if I'm not mistaken. it wouldn't be impossible to make an sd flashcart for gameboy but the fact that you can only out components on one side of the pcb kills. also alternatively the 4mbit chip can be soldered internally and programmed from a flasher.

There's a set of YouTube videos on how to build your own 4mbit flash Cart with plcc socket. but you'll still need to buy a flasher either way (to program the mbit chip or the ic for your cart flasher). If you are looking to get something done cheaper than buying a flash cart, it's pretty impossible. it's like 10$ to get the flash chips, 40 or so for a Willem programmer, you'll need flux, wrap wire, and a ton of time. there are no SD mods at this time, or probably ever.

I found this site a while ago, notice the date of the most recent post. plus the site has changed a few times. Maybe they will make a comeback