If you are feeling bold, build them into a custom six screen cabinet with a handle.

Enjoy it before it becomes $70/seat arena shows.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muz7Xe7J … glY1CvcX1g

This playlist may be relevant to people who keep wondering "How do I live?" or "How can I be more interesting on stage?" Many of the people he talks to are using backing tracks. Think about how you'd duplicate these techniques with your own gear.

Evil Scientist wrote:

There needs to be proof that there could be confusion for there to be a case really.

In Apple v Apple that was precisely the agreement reached, initially. Apple Corps was clearly a music production/recording/publishing group, and could not possibly be confused with a company that makes computers.

There was a little bit of hell caught when Apple Computer decided to make their own MIDI and sound driver to stop madness with drivers that came from third parties, and maybe a sigh or two regarding the Apple Store. (The Beatles' Apple Boutique was a product of 60s fashion and wasn't open for very long.) Shit got real when the iPod and the iTunes store came into existence. They've since settled iirc.

It can be cute/punkish when bands appropriate or spoof logos as part of their pitch, but tread lightly.
http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/144999 … even.jhtml

In USA, trademark is based upon geography and continued use, so in US law, LSDJ encompasses a music software with worldwide scope.

An example of this sort of thing becoming a cluster is Apple Corps (eg. The Beatles' lawyers) v Apple Computer.

Disclaimer: I'm not an attorney, this is not legal advice.

A rig like Dan Deacon's is okay.

Distortions are relatively inexpensive as a start.


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I'm gonna leave this here.


I'm taking this as a callout of "are you guys in this scene by convenience or what?" or at least that's the impression I'm getting.

I have to admit I'm a little guilty of this because I'm still trying to figure out how to move my music beyond a nebulous tiny audience.

SketchMan3 wrote:

Anmanaguchis new album is pretty new.

Haven't they been playing a few of those songs for more than a year? Though what I really mean is that to a complete outsider, it's all new.

I don't recall anything new being mentioned in the article though it is refreshing to see "I tried this before, didn't like it, then tried again and saw what I missed out on." The number of music reviews I've read that admitted something like this is now 1.

There is a quote, or maybe just a fable, about a baseball player explaining that he always tries to play his best, even if a game is apparently meaningless, in case someone in the audience had never seen him play before.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You can give the noise a soft sustain and cut it at will, but the decay and click in the attack are key to the illusion. Ring mod bell tones can be blended in for more realism but in a mix it's not important.


we have played a few cons recently, and I've been thinking a lot about the parallels between that "scene", VGM bands etc, and chiptune. both are things that to an uninitiated outsider could seem extremely lame, and both have their fair share of unabashed pandering and terribleness, but also some really incredible artistry that has risen to the surface, found success, and even started to break out into the mainstream.

That's why I don't see any difference between chipmusic (as a scene, not as a music) and any other nerdy fandom, except for the subject of fetish and level of perversion.


I hope this clarifies at least MY intentions some.

A little bit, but it relates to the conclusions of all the other versions of this discussion; a lot of the obvious and no real solutions, probably because there aren't any.


(26 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Part of using a search is recognizing when your search term isn't correct. How to "export" or "save" on a floppy should get more constructive results because "burn" is not part of a magnetic media's nomenclature.

Unless you want to pour lighter fluid on a bunch of old backup carts. Don't breath the fumes.

O2star wrote:


I don't think we want to seem to throw anybody under the proverbial desert bus (or throw ourselves under the bus by making enemies of long time friends.) Besides, I'm pretty sure any guilty lurker knows...


(26 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Saving is preferable to setting fire to your floppy disks.