I expect that an act that is no longer really chipmusic but that came up through that scene initially is going to have a hard time letting go of the "8bit" label if they still enjoy that type of music. Maybe we can give some of these guys the benefit of the doubt and treat their not-really-accurate self labeling as an homage or tribute or a way to show their roots.
And in the cases where that's obviously not what's going on... well then just remember that someone that is genuinely curious about chiptunesmusic will follow the trail of bread crumbs back to the good stuff. Right?
I agree with this, because this is what happens to country singers who go pop, blues players who decide to use more than 3 chords, etc.
People who only want the "new" stuff won't follow the trail back to the old, but they aren't interested in it or they'd listen to it already.