
(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

I'm obsessed with watching Bandcamp and Google Analytics stats and it's insane how closely both of those track with my social media activity.  I don't post anything for a week and visits/listens/downloads drop way off.  I do some "cool hunting" and reblogging and everything shoots back up.

This is true in my experience as well; in fact, you are more likely to get results by being active in just about anything on the internet than by simply putting out music and only ever talking about that music (or not.)  However, in my experience, this also drives a lot of one-off listens, ymmv


(30 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

From the overheard rumors department:

Expect extra sections for no expansions or "classical" (no dpcm) entries, or a byte limit, or some combination...

Good luck and hope to see you.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

I thought he did that in renoise, damn


Chorus was not typical in combo organ sound. However, some of those organs had reverb tanks or spring reverbs (from using old guitar amps) and all of them can layer their "flutes," think of The Doors or early "See Emily Play" Pink Floyd.

The answers are appropriate. The basic sound you hear is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combo_organ which in a way are the prototype to the square wave generators we use in the first place. Blend two OSCs in different intervals and duty cycles and experiment until you get the timbre you want, or experiment with very fast duty cycle changes to see if that does what you want.


(4 replies, posted in Past Events)

Honesty in advertisng ftw

Two things I can add, not counting the disclaimers of "I am not a lawyer" and "I really only know how it works in USA,"

It is correct that defunct companies often have their IPs auctioned when they are dissolved if they are dissolved by a judge in bankruptcy court. If this is the case, you may have a hard time getting rights to the picture. However, if you make your own "cover" of the picture and use it as a trademark, you may, because if it has not been used in your territory to market a service such as yours, the trademark is abandoned and is yours to assume if you want.

Repeating, not a lawyer, US only.

99% of the time (since 2007 anyway) I start composing from the tracker. The other 1% might be times when I had a melody done on another tracker that I couldn't flesh out, a melody I sung into the voice recorder when there was nothing else around, or an idea that was played on an alternate instrument. When so-called "real" instruments end up in my stuff, I usually played them after the module was made, with a click prepared and with certain chords and rhythm in mind.


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

I wish the vocals were more forward in the mix but they are still very legible, this is pretty...  also "A art" as a name doesn't conjure vivid genderbending innuendo so much wink


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sounds like you guys have the right idea, good luck...


(29 replies, posted in Atari)

Too tragic for a "track" pun.

Also, I think RMT is closed source sad


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

roboctopus wrote:

Plus, my first child just turned 1, and there are not many opportunities in the evening to play the drums or crank the bass amp up.  Chipmusic is my quiet, private musical outlet.

I started learning UTAU so I won't disturb my fiancee by singing at night.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

kineticturtle wrote:

Jesus, you guys are listening to much to prog rock.

...and not making enough!

I make tracker music to pass time and I'm happy pleasantly surprised whenever I can find an audience for it.

The concepts I give some of my releases are usually determined after I programmed the music.  Sometimes, I will rearrange/remix slightly to suit that concept, but in truth, when I start I'm usually just "jamming" in some way or another.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

boomlinde wrote:

EDIT: To clarify, I think that picking up a second instrument can be extremely useful, but it shouldn't necessarily be piano.

I think the point that may be missed here is that there are more great musicians that never attended a university to learn about music than there are that people that go to music school, by far. No, you don't have to know how to play piano to understand theory and composition, but if you're paying $100k for four consecutive years of school, the university has to make sure you can't just test out of all the classes in your major and graduate, right?  There must be 8 semesters worth of material and it must teach ... something. wink


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nothing's stopping you from taking a trade class at an alternate school for a semester or over a summer...