(8 replies, posted in Releases)

PS - If there's any netlabel you think this would be suited for, let me know. It'd be greatly appreciated.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Dos wrote:

That album art is sick as fuck
I dig the energy

breakphase wrote:

Dig the album. Yeah that cover art is superb.

Thank you. Cost me a shit ton to buy the rights to it, but it fitted the music so well that I felt it needed to happen.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

World Head Law by Edward Shallow

Click here to listen, and buy.

“a capricious and energetic frenzy of melodic harmonies and dual leads that play with the nostalgic and playful whimsy rooted deep in your heart.”

This mini-album is available for whatever price you'd like to pay. Thank you very much for your continued support.

1. Avalanche 02:25
2. Poisons & Potions 02:49
3. This Tiger of Mine 04:15
4. Emerald Witches 03:40
5. Orka 03:00
6. Hangnail 03:18


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Says you.


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not only is it Robert Monroe, but searching the exact quote you fucking used returns it as the second Google result. Learn to use a fucking search engine before you start asking other people to waste their time doing it.


(83 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

He said I should email him if he hadn't sent it out by February, as it had been over 3 and a half years. I emailed him, there was no reply. I emailed him in March, there was no reply. I emailed him in April, there was no reply. And so on.


(83 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I paid for mine in June 2008. Get in line.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

"I think eventually people will get bored of the tetris theme tune with
different beats and start looking elsewhere to more original chiptune
artists." - PixelH8


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Now is your chaaance!


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Bloody lovely Risa Electric Solid Concert Ukulele (with carry bag)


It's served me very well, but I won't have an amp when I move and I'd rather someone else was getting use of it!

Here's an example of me using it in this track: http://soundcloud.com/edwardshallow/inhibitor

Good luck, and happy biddings.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's a common problem I've seen with people interested in Game Design. Or, should I say, people who *think* they're interested in game design.

Dream: I want to play videogames all the time, I have a *really* good concept for a game and I think I can walk into a game studio and they'll love it so much (I don't have experience programming, but they have people that can do that) but I'm sure they'll love my idea! It's about a squirrel called Squirt who can ride on a skateboard and his weapon is nuts that he collects throughout the level - at the end of the level he fights an animal (i.e. a fox, a badger) for some reason and then the company makes loads of money! Yay! Everyone should be as excited about my game as I am. Note: I do not have ANY concept art, nor do I know how to obtain this, I haven't displayed ANY knowledge in level design and I haven't given ANY reason why ANYONE should be interested in this idea.

Reality: I get to work 9 hours a day refining the healthbar dynamics in a game I hate about some fucking squirrel from some shiteass CGI film that some dumbtit company bought the rights to. I drink heavily to dull the pain of a meaningless existence. I don't have time for a social life, never mind time to play videogames. Which I now hate.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi, I'm releasing my first album (so no-one's ever heard of me) and I'm looking for someone to make an entire game surrounding this music (you won't get to hear it, you just need to make the game). I could program the game myself but with writing, recording and mastering the album I don't have time. I won't be using any games already available to the public, so you need to make an entirely new game. Programmers who make a game may not be used at all (yeah, I have a very particular style in mind, but I won't tell you what it is) but you will be shown in a footnote and everyone on your forum (who already know who you are if you're worth your weight in salt) will get a download of your music.

This is a great opportunity for everyone involved. Well, it's a good opportunity for me to get some free labour, so, you should just do it. And if you don't, someone less talented and more eager to please will jump on board. For justice!

PS - Catchy game title. No-one's going to remember it.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Korg Electribe EMX-1

Here's an example of mixing LSDJ with the EMX-1: http://forestrecords.bandcamp.com/track/pillars

It has general wear and tear, but still works perfectly, uses a European lead which can easily fit onto a UK adapter.

I paid £350 for it, what are they worth now?

They sell for £30, regularly, just sold it for £25.


(193 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What I find most batshit about the Starscream issue is that Starscream is already a Trademarked name and DJ Starscream already exists in a more prominent manner. Here's hoping that Hasbro take those other Starscream arseholes for everything they've got.

For Pikilipita, the delivery was within the UK, I just calculated how much it costs to Finland - it's £1.67 for Airmail Small Packets and £6.44 for International Signed for Packet.

Which would you prefer?