Auxcide wrote:...and can squeeze a kick out of my ass then kick my ass with it.
your phrasing is a liiiitle bit sketchy there aux haha
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Auxcide wrote:...and can squeeze a kick out of my ass then kick my ass with it.
your phrasing is a liiiitle bit sketchy there aux haha
dsv101 wrote:Hmm try this wav kick.
A triangle waveform set to manual I believe clipped a bit like a 90 volume and in the table do a PF0 then a PE4 and on 8 do a P02 and kill on the C.
If you want to get fancy, edit the first wave of the form to have 5 or six dots go to the bottom at the beggining and 5 or so dots go to the top after the drop in the triangle wave. Then add an F01 after the PE4.
THis kick works well with a C-6 or C-7 Cooshinator showed me this method.
can't quite use WAV column, it's being absolutely ABUSED in the chorus parts and i can't really add much else
Well I hope that its good for future reference then lol. I suck at Pulse kicks, If i do them i usually have a simultaneous noise channel or wave kick to make them sound better
Hmm try this wav kick.
A triangle waveform set to manual I believe clipped a bit like a 90 volume and in the table do a PF0 then a PE4 and on 8 do a P02 and kill on the C.
If you want to get fancy, edit the first wave of the form to have 5 or six dots go to the bottom at the beggining and 5 or so dots go to the top after the drop in the triangle wave. Then add an F01 after the PE4.
This kick works well with a C-6 or C-7 Cooshinator showed me this method.
This is boss
Sounds like something that'd be in a 90's-early-00's skateboarding game.
I take that as a great compliment
Was there a lead? from what I could hear the chip is playing the exact same chord progression
even the ramones had a lead melody (it was called the vocals, back when music had vocals)
because you didn't make any cool or catchy riffs you have to rely on whatever lead melody you have to draw in the listener
but there was none idk
CC threads have really worn me out
From what I understand, this is exactly what I should do for when I make tracks like this one:
Make LSDJ Louder, and have a lead melody
EQ/Mix Better
Add More Variety
Anything else?
since today is a shit day for me, i can make a quick master of your track, if you send me wavs =]
Well I have a flac of everything mixed already, and thats it This was just experimental, which now I understand doesn't mean just mess around for a few hours xD
I decided to make a track with guitar and bass, and i ended up with this guy:
Other than LSDJ being a bit quiet, I would like to know what you think about it... Progression suck? Bad Tempo? Too Short? etc.
Just to make a statement, is the old site and is the under construction site...I am starting to think that making this public was a terrible idea...:)
EDIT: I'm taking a break, so don't freak out chainsaw police....
Thanks for the commentary...
We are starting on the redesign now, can view progress at
I learned to not release an ep unless it's good...
I believe we are wanting to go for a dancing theme, similar to Cooshinator TREYFREY and Electric Children. Maybe some more thrashy stuff too like my release on the label.
What sort of genre(s) do you plan on releasing?
Good question. To be more specific/realistic than dsv101, I personally would love to see some solid lsdj dance probably from lesser known artists that still retain a consistent quality (of course it doesn't specifically have to be lsdj or any sort of uncefest). I can't think of any examples as of now, so just whatever you think of when you hear "lsdj dance". I haven't really seen a netlabel as of yet pull of that sort of style and maintain a consistent quality.
@Decktonic I hope Cooshinator can come over tonight so we can have the mockup a reality before next week. He can't come over until after 6:30 though...
@defiantsystem Thanks for the respond, but i can't read it because it went to Cooshinator's inbox, I'll change the e-mail system soon so me and cooshinator know exactly what each other are doing and when.
Bumpdate, added Starpilot's demo submission
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