(161 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dissonance wrote:

I need to know the market before I spout whats in my head..

Similarly, we need to know what's in your head to make any useful assertions about the market size. I just don't think that asking how big "the market" for an unknown product is is the best way to find out. You'll get more dependable answers from asking strangers how intelligent they are.


(161 replies, posted in General Discussion)

We don't know if there is any market for your vague product ideas

"MSX (SCC / OPLx)" <- The SCC has no FM sound


(29 replies, posted in Sega)

I did some encoding experiments that would fit this audio mode perfectly -- condensing a sample to its N most prominent sine components over a window of M microseconds. Then you just have to encode the partial number and its amplitude. For 4 components at 25 Hz, you'd probably be able to get it down to 800 bps. Here's an example of 8 partials at 25 Hz: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/501 … ariots.mp3. This has no amplitude quantization, though.

For speech synthesis, you could severely limit the spectrum with a pre-filter, but I'm not sure what would produce the best overall result for speech.

Hey, give me a good reason to spend any amount of time trying to read that text.

I use one of the small kaoss pads. It has a bunch of effects that you control with an XY touch pad. For delay, for example, the time would be mapped to the x axis and feedback amount to the y axis. It's good because it's the only way I can really interact with my chipmusic live -- it's all straight renders from trackers and I can't really play keyboards in the style I compose. It's very effective, too! For me, it's the difference between some idiot dancing to his mp3s and some idiot playing on stage.


(26 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Using CrossDOS (I think it's part of workbench 2.x upwards, not sure though), you can read FAT formatted DD (720k?) floppies. That way you could transfer samples, or bootstrap your Amiga with tools for serial transfer (although Amiga Explorer is a great solution if you're on Windows, and either way you could do that without floppies at all).


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I think I missed the part where this was an existential crisis.

Monotron wrote:

Does it really fucking matter that much?

Does anything? On what basis? Maybe you just have a different idea about the point of visiting a discussion forum than I do.


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am a cat and I majored in napping


(19 replies, posted in Audio Production)

There was a joke


(4 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

1. Wave $09 (0000 1001) has the so called "test bit" set, and also the gate bit. I think this resets the phase and hangs the envelope until you unset bit 3, mostly used to produce a snappier and more consistent attack.

2. Only the upper nybble is used for waveform selection, so really the waveforms are 1*, 2*, 4*, 8* and so on (they can be combined since they are all on different bits in the upper nybble). The least significant bit (the one you see changing in the lower nybble) is the gate bit, which is used to trigger and release the envelope, much like a gate signal in an analog synthesizer would. Having it set lets the envelope go through the attack/decay cycles, stopping at the sustain amplitude. Unsetting it will trigger the release section of the envelope.


(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I did it with glovepie and Reaktor at some point. I set it up so that each combination of buttons was a unique binary index in a scale table. That gives you 32 tones! It was kind of awkward to play, but on the other hand I learned how to count really quickly in binary smile


(13 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

There is some Atari ST trackers that uses H as well... Anyone have any idea?

Just play the sounds in sequence in the tracker, export as wav and cut the thing up in your favorite audio editor. I don't think there's any shortcut besides maybe automating the split process with SoX or something.