I think the reason there's no PSG instrument ripper is that they are dead simple to create and really quite primitive. In VGM MM, once you've got some FM instruments you can just play them back in the PSG channel to get a normal square sound with a similar envelope, so that's what I usually do. AFAIK it simply does envelopes on a per-tick level using the volume register which gives it a lot of flexibility over the hardware envelopes.

I think there's a mode where the hardware envelope generator of the PSG is used at audio rates to generate saw-like tones in VGM MM, but I never got it to work correctly. Maybe it's a broken feature, but I don't mind. Most PSG sounds you hear in Genesis games are simple squares or noise, and any creativity in sound design with them is either done with volume settings or in the pitch domain, most things could be achieved using normal tracker commands (vibrato, arpeggio, pitch slides etc.)


(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

If you need RCA inputs over tele inputs, just get some cheap adapters.

I had a big beige 486 box without a soundcard, loaded with Apogee shareware that I got when my dad bought a Pentium machine. I think I was 8 or 9. Before that I think I had a Master System, but I'm not sure. I didn't use computers or play video games a lot until I was 13 or so.


(164 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the 4 ended up in the text color escape sequence smile


(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I really the idea that a streaming video show has to be anything like a live concert needs to go away before I'll spend my time on it.


(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

boaconstructor wrote:

I said performers, not artists. While I know they're different, streaming kinda makes it so there is no need for fans of chip to go out and pay to see some artists who they normally would.

Maybe this point would make more sense if you had some concrete examples, but now, really? What's next, will apples impose on the popularity of oranges?

boaconstructor wrote:

That and it just comes off as unprofessional.. sitting at your desk by yourself playing jams that should be making bitches get dirty and shit

Unprofessional? My profession involves sitting at a desk by myself smile

My stance on video streaming shows is sure, go ahead. If done right it might be a nice way to enjoy music. Mostly I feel like I'd rather spend my time doing something else, and the fact that it's live streamed doesn't make it more interesting to me than pre-recorded videos.

Not too bad! I enjoyed it. Give it a few weeks to figure out if it's anything like what you want it to be, though.

"Nigga" carries a lot of ugly baggage, and even if you mean no harm, the mere use of it will understandably offend some people.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

The SNES has a simple DSP for audio processing, AFAIK, so it needn't use multiple channels -- it processes bare audio data through some hardware that I guess is just a sequence of simple programmable filters and delays


(12 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Yeah, this doesn't really have any advantage over using a laptop (except for the link herr_prof provided (!)) for music. For me, I think I'll use it to  replace my current server which is already running Arch Linux ARM (I have been using it since it was an unofficial fork called "plugbox" -- WAY BEFORE IT WAS COOL), with the added advantage that I can use it to play movies on a TV set. It might be useful for me, running DX303 in a remote shell, playing through the stereo while slacking in the sofa without cables all over the floor.

I've been tracking a bit on an OSX laptop for the past three weeks, I never figured out how to do insert, but I was too lazy to look it up since I can use copy/paste anyway. Don't forget HivelyTracker. Yeah, there's a HVL for both WONDOWS and MOC OSX now.


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

pornmachinegun wrote:

Original title? I called Zabutom's cover on your track as it is called in info text of HVSC's SID module. Claims me about CC is possible and reasonable, but as I understand, this version of the CC proves my rejection of copyright, as it is not my music. All of my mixes and original tracks on archive.org mentioned under that kind of license. Apparently I just did not understand the differences in these licenses.
What do I think about all this ... I think that's enough to engage in this nonsense, this is ridiculous. You made me into a pirate, and I just simply wanted to show people the music.

Don't release other people's music under licenses you don't understand (CC, believe it or not, is not simply some sort of political badge to prove your rejection of copyright), and don't blame anyone else for your own ignorance when you end up in a shitty situation because of it. Also, don't go bananas when dubmood points out your error quite matter-of-factly.

Anyway, who cares about seriousness if the music is good? Some of my favorite downloads are just half-finished ideas that pop up as dropbox links in IRC channels (mainly thanks to #botb, ant1 and sun-sun-suwa-väja)

EDIT: that's not to say that releasing music with pomp and circumstance is a prerequisite for being "serious"

I dunno, a lot of awful chipmusic artists release music online, and some of them even get to play live! I remember when I kept up to date with the 8bc uploads. The majority of it was just really awful in every sense, and a big chunk of the rest also failed at being particularly expressive. I think the quality of chip music definitely reflects the quality of amateur music in general. Just like banging a box or any other kind of artistic expression it takes practice to be able to dignifiedly realize your musical ideas. Releasing an album to the internet or getting a gig doesn't automatically make you a master.

I think skilled artists will recognize this and avoid thinking in terms of having "mastered" anything.


(29 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Maybe you can get a USB sound card, rip the DAC off and replace it with a serial->parallel chip going to a series of 8 dirty old resistors. But I guess the DAC is part of a single multipurpose IC... Easiest way to go is probably getting an ADC of some sort and then build your resistor series DAC on the other end, and then just route audio through it.


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Somewhat related to shiptune, I went to visit a friend's family and his dad CDs of hot bulb engine recordings. Yes, there is such a thing as a hot bulb engine sound appreciation community (they even had club meetings), and if you listen to it you can sort of see why.