Sounds like a killer event!

A writers block in one of my areas of creative output generally seems to mean a boost in another. For the days you don't get things done at all, even though you want to, my recommendation (if you have the time and patience to spare) is to stay off the net, put the tracker in full screen and keep at it until you get something good out of it. You might feel bad about it along the way, but once you're into what you're doing it's bliss, and you'll probably find yourself having too many ideas.

As for sources of inspiration, for me they can be everything from strong emotions and bad/good days to purely technical stuff like a different tool or sound chip, or by coming up with melodies on an instrument I don't usually play (or haven't picked up in some time). I'm pretty much stuck doing the same thing all the time on keyboards, but I have a guitar and an electric bass that end up with a different tunings pretty much every week.


(56 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)


(30 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Adventure Kid wrote:

Yeah... Not the same thing... Soundblaster sound card does not do wavetable, they do sound fonts and that stuff (their marketing guy seems to like wavetables though)... I allready use them on the comp I want something more stand alone. The one cycle waveforms are on my website, do you understand? They are just oscillator shapes, what wavetables are made of... I've got some ideas what I could use but nothing that is simple and fast to get the waveforms into... I gonna get a shrutni-1 but I don't think I will get many waveforms into it...

To be fair, the soundfont format and the sound blasters are by actually very well capable of wavetable synthesis by design.


(2 replies, posted in Sega)

Have you turned the SSG-EG sliders all the way to the left? Sounds like you have some envelope on with a high RS.

EDIT: maybe you are accidentally keyjamming with the rs knob selected



(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

goto80 wrote:

akira, cheers! although "Clark O." is not really dnb, or..?
wub'n'bass (after a while) ->

btw, was recently happy to find some good drum n' bass by Current Value.
but, of course, it's not called dnb but doom-step-anti-wub-bang-schoooo.

Current Value! "Excellence" has a spot reserved in  my playlist

EDIT: brostep hahaha. Anyway, I listen to dubstep in small doses, mostly on internet radio. It's so obviously formulaic that it gets boring after a few songs, but before that happens I'm having fun!


(7 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I would get a C128 simply because it's such a Frankenstein's Computer. Does the C64 run CP/M? That's right.

I bought it for my brother, and I've been playing the free version with friends occasionally. I'd love to play more, but it's really slow on my PC.


(30 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I'm pretty sure I've seen CrossDOS at least on some 3.1 disk images. Never had the actual disk set for 3.1 though.


(30 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

If you format a DD floppy on a PC to 720k, you can read it on Amiga using CrossDOS (which should be included on the OS disks if you have those). Usage details are here.

Another unrelated tip: Prepare the CF card in WInUAE. If you put the card in a normal card reader you can mount it as a hard drive from WinUAE, format it, install the OS (even in turbo mode if you wish) and quickly put the software you want on it.


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am flattered! George, I have arranged for a generous sperm sample to be sent to you, and the authorities are currently evaluating my psychological traits, so once they release me I'll share that too.

Here's my favorite picture of the other dog:


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hahaha, Notorious P.I.G.

Here I am holding the family dog Molly. We have a smaller one, too.


(58 replies, posted in Releases)

Is this for NTSC? I could run it in 60Hz on my MD, but I don't know about the tuning... Is there a difference between PAL/NTSC?

Either way it's too much money for me right now, but if there are copies over I will buy one when I've accumulated wealth or deceased trying


(30 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Yeah, the information you'll find on PCMCIA CF card readers apply to SD card readers, too. Check this out, this is what I installed to get it working: … stcount=43


(37 replies, posted in Sega)

herr_prof wrote:

is there any good zip collections of tfc files?

I would make one from the song collection included with the program, but apparently "tfmaker -tfd" doesn't work on a path within quotation marks

For example, it will work on

tfmaker -tfd test.tfe

But not on

tfmaker -tfd "test.tfe"

and then of course not on a path like

tfmaker -tfd "c:\program files\tfm14\songs\test.tfe" (a case where the path HAS to be quoted)

In those cases it just says "File '-tfd' not found"

So my batch processing program won't work sad