Oh yeah! I forgot you were interested in it! I'll definitely get you some ASAP!
338 Mar 6, 2010 2:18 am
Re: Casio Lot - Casio CT430, MT68 $90 (6 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Really, nobody has any interest in this??? =[ I really need them gone...
339 Mar 4, 2010 9:31 pm
Topic: Casio Lot - Casio CT430, MT68 $90 (6 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Okay, so it isn't really a lot at all, but I have two synths that I'm looking to sell.
These two are kind of odd balls. They are both old Casiotones: the CT430 and the MT68. They are both very similar and both are very similar to the 410v with EXTREME potential for mods. There are lots of demonstrations of it by S-CAT and PHONICPOTION on YouTube.
The only differences between the two is size and drum beats. The MT68 is very compact and uses analogue drum sounds whereas the CT430 is a very large machine with PCM drums (very nice for rad bending).
There is a slight issue with one of them them: A couple of keys at the top of the CT430 do not work. It is a very easy fix for anyone intending to modify these instruments (which, why would you buy them if you weren't?).
I think the prices are fair considering a modded MT68/CT430 can go in the upwards of 250 quid after modifications that cost a minuscule amount of cash.
Those are also great prices considering they have real analogue sounds at their hearts. I will consider selling them separately and will certainly entertain offers.
I can provide any more information as needed and will get pictures up as soon as humanly possible. If you are interested, please reply to this thread or email me: underpressure116 AT gmail DOT com
Thanks for reading, and I hope this tickles somebody's fancy!
340 Mar 4, 2010 8:20 pm
Re: "MKE OR BRK" BY TEN THOUSAND FREE MEN & THEIR FAMILIES (104 replies, posted in Releases)
Lul, he's from Massachusetts.
341 Mar 3, 2010 8:02 am
Re: LSDj microloops: A useless tip (12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Oh man! Brilliant. Also, LittleFM is looking damn sexy.
342 Mar 2, 2010 12:17 am
Re: PPMCK for Mac OS X (36 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
What the hell????
343 Feb 25, 2010 6:51 pm
Re: New Project (20 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)
Well you're doing these for your own amusement as the main driving factor, yes? You should definitely do what excites you the most; what gets your engine revving. The Gorf Sequencer idea would probably be the most beneficial to the community, but you need to do what you WANT to do. Everyone loves lower cost chip synths!
344 Feb 23, 2010 6:44 pm
Re: first tune with MML. (2 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
Alright! So glad to see more and more people interested in MML! I'll check the track out a little later.
345 Feb 23, 2010 5:35 am
Re: HAMMOND NOVACHORD. (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hammond > all. Hammond organs are the grand daddy of all synthesizers! Additive electro-mechanical synthesizers.
346 Feb 21, 2010 11:17 pm
Re: Analog Synths... (20 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
DSI definitely the best to buy new. Mono/Poly for archetype analogue monster.
I have a Poly800 that's pretty nice, but it's very plastic sounding. The great thing about them is they are cheap (usually < $100) and very easily modified. With then $100 Hawk800 mod, you can take a $200 (total) quasi-analogue kitten and turn it into a synth comparable to a $1000 analogue beast (and then some).
PS: The Poly 800 is analogue, but it's a digitally controlled hybrid. Strange machine.
347 Feb 21, 2010 5:58 pm
Re: Analog Synths... (20 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I'm going to go ahead and throw my vote in for the Korg Mono/Poly. I could go on for weeks about how amazing they are. XD
348 Feb 20, 2010 8:22 am
Re: I Fight Dragons (96 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Who cares?
349 Feb 19, 2010 6:07 am
Re: PPMCK for Mac OS X (36 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I don't know about PPMCK, but I know XPMCK supports OS X. That supports pretty much anything other than NES and PCEngine! XD
The download page for PPMCK for OS X seems to be among the missing. =\
350 Feb 18, 2010 7:07 am
Re: Rainbowdragoneyes: Live at Blip Festival 2009 (17 replies, posted in Releases)
Rage bridges all genres.
351 Feb 18, 2010 7:03 am
Re: Chiptune tracking options for Mac OS (23 replies, posted in General Discussion)
MML is always an option! :3 Seriously though, there really isn't a whole for native OS X chipmusic creation. Your best bet is to either dual-boot Windows or set up a virtual machine. Also, don't forget that you can run tons of native trackers for different hardware in emulators and such. That really adds a whole other dimension of tools at your disposal, but then you have to worry about inaccurate emulation and such things. What exactly did you have in mind?
352 Feb 18, 2010 4:06 am
Re: Rainbowdragoneyes: Live at Blip Festival 2009 (17 replies, posted in Releases)