lastfuture wrote:

I'm really interested in the section about how to disassemble the DMG but it's not done yet. Does anyone here know a good photo or video guide, especially regarding the best way to dis- and reconnect the ribbon cable? I've read that's the trickiest part and I want to be prepared when my tri-wing arrives.

Hi, I  created a guide years ago of how to install a backlight in a DMG. However, please bear on mind the guide was created years ago(grammar is probably  horrid as well) and ported to this forum. If you find this guide useful then that's Awesome. Below is the link: … ight-kits/


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

This project is going to be epic! So happy that it is still continuing!

Is there a demo of sorts available?

Love the artwork! Will need to give this a listen at some point.

ultramega wrote:

I don't this litte-scale checks this forum ever, I had to reach out to him on twitter to get a response. Once I had his attention though, I got mine within a week or two.

Same here, I used my initiative and just contacted Seb on Twitter because he was quite active on it. He then dispatched my GenMDM and I received it about a week or two later (This was approximately a year or two ago). He's a cool guy when I contacted him, I think he doesn't check these forums often, hence the lack of updates from him.

I'm not speaking on his behalf, just chipping in my

Talk to your local council and discuss your current situation; they may be able to help you.

Wishing you all the best.

Nitro you're awesome. Looks great and good concept!

Looking forward to it!

Hi Seb,

I was reading your previous blog posts on your website. I was wondering how close are you to completing an instruction manual for the GENMDM, as your website mentions you planned to create one back in 2012. smile

Would be great to get some specific tips/tricks on using this device to its full potential.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I may possibly be interested in the Midines if you''re willing to ship to the UK?

Feel free to send a pm. smile

I THINK I remember seeing a post or a YouTube comment saying it was 2xAA.

He confirmed he shipped mine today as well! smile Can't wait to get it. By the sounds of it, building and testing each unit can be time consuming but I am sure will definitely be worth the wait!

meanwun wrote:

Anybody know if this works with old EMS 32m carts? If so I'd be down for one.


And if its USB?

Still haven't received it yet. Tried googling for contact details but couldn't find anything.

Does anyone know of an email contact for Little-Scale?


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Big fan of your work.

Great stuff smile Highly recommend for people to give it a listen.


(106 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Somebody buy it and then share how they get video out on the device.

Sycamore Drive wrote:


"Some people believe that was the greatest day of his life... But to Tin Foil Hat Brigade... It was Tuesday,"