(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

BitPop wrote:
Sander von Focus wrote:

Check this classic track, done by Francois Prijt who was an active c64 demoscener for quite some years. Here's his website.

I absoloutly love Francois!  Chosen Few, Original Gabba etc.etc.  I actually had no idea he was in the C64 demo scene though!  You learn something new every day!

Also Martin Damm (Speedfreak / Search & Destroy) , Michael Klassen (Tellurian), Technohead (RIP Lee Newman). 


Cool smile Actually i was in the same c64 group as Francois was during the early nineties. Was fun meeting him at some retro-gabber party some 5 years ago. He still checks up with the demoscene he said.


(22 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

arfink wrote:

Nope, totally on topic. Got any more info on this beside the movie? It's quite spectacular.
EDIT: duh... Pouet! With 4k in the title I should have guessed it was a demoscene prod. Were you involved? It's pretty sick!

Hehe.. No - i was not involved smile


(22 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Elevated by RGBA and TBC
All procedural - all in 4kb, including music...
(hope it's not off topic)


(131 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Theta_Frost wrote:

Oh, I might have spoken too soon!  This appears to be a stereo version of JCH Editor.  Can anyone confirm this?

http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=16258 ? (haven't checked it myself)


(5 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

"Many cracked versions of this game played this tune at the incorrect speed. This SID has been verified both by Rob Hubbard and against the original to be the correct speed of the tune." (from the HVSC STIL info file)

Perhaps that might be the reason. Difference in speed for PAL and NTSC does not sound unfamiliar though.


(17 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Just cool smile


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hmmm.. Bit off topic, but that so-called Jumpstyle originates from Gabber. Something i did halfway the nineties wink
But on a nice sidenote, some 'legendary' hardcore/gabber producers are old c64 composers!

Check this classic track, done by Francois Prijt who was an active c64 demoscener for quite some years. Here's his website.

There've been quite some more old 8bit composers being quite famous in that scene. But i doubt anyone really cares wink


(139 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Haha - NEVER underestimate my football skills! wink
Veterans may recall that one glorious season where i had the average score of 1.5 goals every game.
... Then my parents gave me a c64.


(19 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I got the 1541ultimate - which works like a charm. No need to carry around a drive anymore. (well, tbh - i never carry my c64 around either.)

I know someone selling his FD2000 (http://www.cmdweb.de/fd.htm) - let me know if you're interested.


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Only tried once in Future Composer (yeah, doesn't ring a bell for most i guess...) - but it was instantly clear that was going nowhere.
Was doing pixels for some time already then - soz i continued doing that.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

(ok, admitted - that's not mine smile)


(4 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Many effects were controlled by joystick or key input, yet - the pure form of the examples above are not common anymore since a long time..
Tools like Sinus Plotter V2 are not the same thing.. yet come close smile There've been many of these tools. Don't have any on top of my mind atm, but i'll post them once they are.


(139 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I heart Dennis Bergkamp. Where football fuses with ballet.


(99 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

disassembler wrote:

Can't forget this

Indeed, super awesome. See more of their work: www.pleix.net heart


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

BitPop wrote:

Some of my faves from the old school (all C64, as that was my scene)

Ben Dalglish - Ark Pandora, Firelord
Maniacs Of Noise - Outrun Turbo, Cybernoid II
Martin Galway - The Ocean Loaders (I must have spent literally days of my life listening to those)
Rob Hubbard - Thing On A Spring 1/2,  Ace 2

Essential listening for anyone who hasn't listened to 8bits heritage smile

More will come to me I'm sure...

You actively participated in the c64 demoscene? I'd like to know your handle + group! smile


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh - that's a great song heart