Jellica wrote:

is acoustic dance music a thing? tongue

Yep. The only things that are electronic are the Moog and the sampler that's connected to that Roland pad.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

2xAA is getting lots done on µCollective (including work on the Patchbook), it's just that you can't see it quite yet. Here's a picture of the new site in development that he posted on Facebook.

If you haven't already, read the LSDJ manual. It's very very helpful. There's also these Youtube videos, Sabrepulse's tutorial, and once you're pretty comfortable with LSDJ there's also Roboctopus's "LSDJ and You" column.

What kind of Gameboy are you using? If it's a DMG then the default headphone jack should be just fine for recording.

The writing is solid, I just think you should try and experiment more with the channels to get some more interesting sounds out of them besides the straight pulse tones you're using.


(124 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Actually, you got a relatively large amount of attention with your release, if judging by the number of posts and views on the release topic.The most attention I ever got on a release topic was 9 posts.

SketchMan3 wrote:

If MTV starts showing chiptune videos and we can actual make a living off of it... will we still call it legit?

No we'll say chiptune has sold out and move on to other niche-y music.

But seriously I fear for the day when chiptune becomes fully "mainstream."

Kinda false advertising there, ain't it? I was expecting to see some tracks already up when I clicked on this.

I like the name Bit Wish the most, but that's just me.


(40 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Victory Road wrote:

i wanna have purple drank with VCMG
or uhh, just grape soda. until he turns 21.

If you pay for the plane tickets both ways I'll totally come to your house.

Kedromelon wrote:

I certainly like HAVING physical copies, but I always end up ripping CDs and only listening to them from my computer or phone anyway.


But I still prefer physical because I like looking at liner notes and artwork while I'm listening to the album. I love vinyl because the record sleeves are so big so you can really take a good look at the art. However, I hate album artwork that is nothing more than a photo of the artist and their name, so in that case I might prefer digital.


(124 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Standouts so far have been
Cooshinator- Buttpoop EP (the music's way better than the name)
Je Mapelle -Wish
2PLAYER- Infinity Force and
Nonfinite- Live at the Dragonfly.

Also btw Auxcide, it's actually Vince Kaichan- Journey EP, dont wanna release under VCMG anymore because Depeche Mode is using it now.

Edit: oh and Roboctopus- Victory Lapse, of course, how'd I forget that one? Jeez

Edit: oops again

Hey, this is on Joystiq now: … -game-boy/

Edit: oops

It's tedious and time-consuming, but you could go in and instead use individual E commands in each channel except the wave channel to get the sidechain effect and still have the kick.

Or you could use 2 DMGs or record the wave channel separate from the other ones.

Aaaah blue-on-black text hurts my eyes

but yeah cool

Yeah, the sidechaining is a little too aggressive for my tastes, especially since there's no kick underneath it to fill the space. Pretty good start otherwise.