(52 replies, posted in Audio Production)

There used to be "Tape Saturation" option in VST/32.  Can't say I've ever noticed it in newer versions, would achieve the same thing.  I used DaTube plugin from SX which seems to add warmth for my Cairo track smile


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't think I said hello properly.

So, HI!  I'm in Yorkshire, Uk and have just started getting back into chipmusic.  I was a big fan back in the day (80s) and thought it might be fun to mix up some 8bit with my other gear seeming as 8bit is so much more accessible now for non-coders.

Personal is Griff.  My sites :
follow me: twitter.com/bit_pop



(52 replies, posted in Audio Production)

I've only mixed one GB track so far, but I chose to record each track separately so I could process each individually.  Seemed to work well.  The only catch is that you quadruple the signal noise (which on my DMG is alot!). 

Same with my C64 track, I used some Waves noise reduction and grounded the SID input, much better after that smile

iLKke : yeah, sounds like they're just saying to boost @ 120hz...Actually I think I did do that on my recent track as the bass on my DMG is poor.  As for warming, could be done with valve drive with eq.  Or one of those horrid max-bass things.


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

MGS4 did have way too many cutscenes, but I recon it's one of the best games ever.  I love all that sneaking around.  On the other hand, MGS online sucks in my opinion, it just turns MGS into every-other-shooter-ever neutral


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nezar wrote:

Hell yeah baby. I love track racing and drifting. Here is my track machine.

Nice Fairlady!  This was my drift weapon

'99 200SX - 280BHP - VERY sideways!

I sold her last year sad


(11 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Yeah, it's definately a problem in MSSIAH/C64, it's not powerful enough to process the information that fast. They can't fix it in hardware/firmware, so I was hoping to fix it in software big_smile

Sander von Focus wrote:

You actively participated in the c64 demoscene? I'd like to know your handle + group! smile

Sadly, I was never much of a coder (necessary for making the music back then!), I was just a fan and follower, I think Ben Dalglish is a major hero of mine.  I didn't really get making computer music till the Amiga under the name Rave Generation.


(36 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nice idea.  Added smile 

I'm in a field....close enough tongue

Some of my faves from the old school (all C64, as that was my scene)

Ben Dalglish - Ark Pandora, Firelord
Maniacs Of Noise - Outrun Turbo, Cybernoid II
Martin Galway - The Ocean Loaders (I must have spent literally days of my life listening to those)
Rob Hubbard - Thing On A Spring 1/2,  Ace 2

Essential listening for anyone who hasn't listened to 8bits heritage smile

More will come to me I'm sure...


(11 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

You can save presets in the MIDI panel, this is built in functionality from Cubase.  When you load the preset back in, it transmits all of the relevant MIDI CC for that preset. 

i.e. filter = 10, cutoff =15, attach, delay, etc etc

It only receives some of the information as MSSIAH can't process the CC fast enough.  When moving multiple controllers manually everything is fine, it's just the big dump when loading a preset.

Hope that makes more sense!

Yeah, I started to program a bass progression but I've not mixed that one down yet. :Z  the change actually kicked in when the strings did. 

I may restructure the song with the single key section as a verse, and the strings/bass progression part as a chorus.

Just need to hand over to my vocalist and see if she can come up with the goods!

Thanks for the response Smiletron, appreciated smile


(11 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I don't think that will work (if I understand correctly).  The problem is that when you load a preset, it dumps all of the relavant CC information in one go.  I need a way to slow that down sad


(11 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

OK, so the MSSIAH and C64 are a bit sluggish when it comes to processing CC information, if you send alot of CC in a packet (like loading a preset from a MIDI control panel), then it doesn't receive all the information.

I built a nice MIDI control panel for Cubase SX but as yet I can't use the presets because of the above issue.

http://www.rebornonline.com/blog/2009/0 … e-sx3.html

I think this could be solved if there were some way to capture and delay the CC information, perhaps using some software loopback.

Anyone got any ideas on how to achieve this?

Thanks smile


(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Mate of mine has a Mk1 Oxygen 8 and it feels fine.  But I totally agree when it comes to their full size.  Most are cheap and nasty.  Not tried an Axion yet.

I *love* the rest of their stuff. Their sound cards and midi interfaces are the dogs. Got a AudioBuddy and MidiSport in the studio, totally bomb proof smile

Work in progress, considering a vocal track, what do you recon?

LINK REMOVED UNTIL PROJECT IS COMPLETED - Check back for updates smile

My other music : http://www.rebornonline.com/mp3
Other stuff I say : http://www.bitpop.co.uk


(5 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

1 month?  I'm throwing my cart in the bin.  Gonna take up painting instead.