Just found this one. I've sent him a mail. Let's see if he responds... is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Just found this one. I've sent him a mail. Let's see if he responds...
There. I just made you a poor man's oneliner.
The flash chip might or might not be bust, but your songs should be ok. Back them up now, before you forget it.
No dorumentation? Not true!
GB: 4 MiHz (4*1024*1024*1024 Hz)
GBC: 8 MiHz (8*1024*1024*1024 Hz)
GBA: 16 MiHz (16*1024*1024*1024 Hz)
if you can do a pro sound, then i think you can do this =]
id do this
1. wire the left and right channel together (makes it mono)
2. solder you mono channel to the speaker
3. solder your ground from your speakerSHAZAM! i think that there might be a problem with ohms or something..... stupid ohms law........
Yeah, there's a problem with "or something".
Don't short outputs to each other!
Does the headphone jack work with headphones? My guess in this case would be that the switch inside the headphone jack is worn out, such that the speaker is always disabled. (Normally only when you insert something to the jack.)
Actually, in all seriousness, Postal M@rket, wtf happened to that guy?
I'm wondering the same thing...
This is where I enter and give a vague promise that I might or might not do this in the future. (Who else would do it, anyway?)
Bump! I and Lossy have a some stuff to the wiki, including the Infobox templates and a homemade structure system for storing album information. (Please read the info page about that carefully before adding any albums!)
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but isn't that the 707 drum kit?
There's always Hexawe's mascot board DinoAids. A bit NSFW and weird though...
Right. Unplug (from the Gameboy) it and try again.
Um, both the files are completely empty. As in, nothing at all there. Did you try to back up the files while the cartridge was in the Gameboy, whether it was on or off?
I think PunBB is the most popular one... I could be wrong though.
Yeah. In fact, it's used by 100% of the two most popular chip music communities.
Maybe it's Intel only or Leopard+ only and you're on PPC and/or Tiger?
PunBB, though very modified and styled. / Forums / Posts by nitro2k01