
(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This is a question for anyone who can answer it, but I suspect Note! might have a clue. (Or Yano-san himself?)
Most kanji do, as you know, have a kunyomi (Japanese) and an onyomi (Chinese) reading. But is there any way, or rule of thumb, as to which reading is the appropriate one in a certain instance? Can you make it out from the position in a sentence or other factors?

Take Rei Yano's song title for example...
natsu-kashii toshi
The first kanji is natsu(ku) in kunyomi. Then follows the kashii suffix in hiragana. (Speaking of which, what does the suffix mean?)
Then follows, in onyomi, to and shi both meaning city in slightly different ways. I somehow get the feeling that it's rather Chinese to form words by joining similar signs in that way. Is that a useful rule of thumb?

Thanks for your time. smile


(6 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Fixed! http://chipmusic.org/rei+yano/music/natsukashii-toshi
(Oh, and the track is awesome.)


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

low-gain wrote:

Just nab 2 pignose amps for stereo. hahaha

Great for the down-and-dirty piggger,eh...

Nope, Swedish Falukorv

Just to hijack this thread a little... Nijuu is obviously Japanese for twenty. But is that a reference to something or just a pretty randomly chosen name?


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

http://8bitcollective.com/forums/viewto … 79&p=1

Speaking of which... If this was 8bc, you could just have written...

nordloef wrote:

Replace all the 12 songs with a version of smartboycart and sell the Vectrex on ebay wink

Would be pretty funny.

...with the same effect.

That's a nice monologue. (Pun intended.)


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Here's r4's list of top 20 homebrews:

20-11 http://www.r4revolutionds.co.uk/top-20- … -revealed/
10-1 http://www.r4revolutionds.co.uk/world%E … s-500-won/
Most are non-music related, but a lot of them look cool.

Out of those, these are music related:
Mario Paint Composer - http://nds-zone.com/bassacegold/?p=5
NitroTracker, as mentioned above.
Game Melody Oratorio (Aimed at practicing, not composition) - http://multiple-option.blogspot.com/200 … torio.html

That same blog also has a long list of interesting 'brews - http://multiple-option.blogspot.com/sea … 20Homebrew


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I switched my Shitwave avatar for a pink/black bass avatar. If I can do it, so can you!


(7 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)



(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


Try to get an old network card to one your OPL computers. You should be able to get eg a 3c589 PCMCIA card for cheap from eBay. They are from that time so they're well supported in DOS.

little-scale wrote:

nitro2k01, care to elaborate?

In a way it is a compilation - the best 10 tracks will make it as a digital release.

No elaboration needed, you answered my question. smile


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Would LSDj tutorial vids be ok in that group?

Competition=compo=compilation... <- I hope I'm onto something there...