I don't believe the rating mechanism's effectiveness. Because i bet there are far more better songs which are not on the top rated song lists.
It's automated, based on activity to the song and weighted out by the number of views so that popularity is not a factor. Just by checking out music on this site you are contributing to the system.
I made these a few years, but unfortunately I only had access to low intensity LEDs, so the result was rather shoddy. You can see that the images are quite grainy. If you use high intensity LEDs, you may want to figure out some way to spread the light so you don't have a point source that blinds the viewer.
You may also want to browse NeX's site for inspiration:
A flash Vorbis player would consume a relatively large amount of CPU power compared to a native implementation. The reason to implement ogg/Vorbis support would be to use it with native HTML5 embedding. However, it still lacks support in both Safari and Internet Ewwwwsplorer. Hate it as you may, MP3 is still the format which reaches the greatest audience in terms of support (native where possible or otherwise Flash).
Just pan individual channels to the left or right. This will give you the same effect as on the NES, but with added flexibility that you can chose which channels to pan where.
yeah i just downloaded a bunch of those for avatars
Watch out! The code tells the browser to not cache the image, so it's likely that you got a different (new) image than the one you saw on screen. The only safe way to do it is to take a screenshot.