Well for starters, if you have any deviating answers to any of my preliminary questions. (Units with non-US htline stickers. Units with deviating serial number formats. Units not made in Japan or China.) These preliminary questions are just so I can reasonably exclude other options from the form questions.

Do you know anything about the source of these 'boys? Like, do you know if they come from the returns department of an Australian store, or is their origin simply "undefined"?

The next thing would be to meticulously go through each of the units and fill in the form. There are quite a few questions that I want an answer to. Maybe the form will be a bit daunting to the average person. You'll have to judge when I have a preview ready.

Hello. I'm making an online form for entering data about DMG Gameboys that you own. The goal is to figure out the connection between serial numbers, circuit board revisions, CPU revisions and manufacturing date. Before I'm releasing this form, I would like to collect some preliminary data to make the form as efficient as possible. (I want to try to make simple choices and radio buttons/checkboxes as far as possible.)

I'd like to know which kinds of Nintendo Hotline stickers there are. I.e. local variations for different countries, phone numbers, different designs etc.

I'd like to know which kinds of serial number stickers there are. Variants I personally own:
GM + 7 digit number
G + 8 digit code
Barcode + G + 8 + 1 digit (last digit is marked in gray and probably a checksum digit)
Are there others?

"Made in" locations engraved in the plastic on the back of the unit. I personally own units marked made in China and Japan. Are there other locations?

1) Would you be willing to take part in this for units that you're modding?
2) Do you often mix up parts of DMGs you sell? This is valuable statistical information when users you've sold units to enter data about their unit.

It would also be interesting to know how many of you would be willing to open up you DMGs just for collecting data for science.

I will show a preview of the form soon.


(1 replies, posted in Releases)

I called him and he confirmed that he is indeed dog.


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That error message is really weird, but have you tried doing sudo before the command? Just a shot in the dark, but might work.

Ok, here's the deal. A few of us in the  #gbdev IRC channel want to dump the ROM of the Gameboy test cartridge, since this hasn't been done. There are to ways this could be done. We know a person who owns this cartridge, and would need a dumper of some kind to dump this ROM. The person we're in contact would like to keep this dumper in exchange for the service. If you have a spare bleepbloop/smartboy flasher that you're willing to donate in the name of software preservation, please contact me.

Alternatively, if you own a copy of this cartridge and you're willing to dump it, please also contact me.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

InactiveX wrote:

It pisses me off when people misuse the word "random".

Random doesn't just have have one meaning, you know. It doesn't just mean "perfect chance-based distribution of outcome" but also "could be anything" or "a little of each thing". I even believe the latter is the original meaning of the word, and the former is a modern meaning. Case in point: the book publisher Random House is not called so because they toss a coin before deciding to publish a book, but because they publish books of all categories.


(11 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I may be interested, and I may also have some ideas on how to visualize (or should I say auralize?) the curves with sound.

Btw, this screenshot has two problems:

1) in math, you typically write constants on the left side. y = 2*sin(x) (sin(x)*2 is not incorrect but unconventional.)
2) The waveform drawn isn't actually sin(x) but -cos(x)

Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions now, but I think the game, judging from the screenshots, will be less fun than it has the potential to be. I want to see more complex formulas, (that are gradually introduced so the noob isn't overwhelmed.) This includes things like sin(x+cos(x)) I want to see a bigger level than that. I want to see a time variable in addition to a y(x) type function. This way you can make animated platforms. Constraints on the variables: you only get access to x values and y values between certain limits, and you must now make the best possible solution to the problem. So yeah, I have ideas.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Nonfinite is still supposed to have them in stock, according to this page.

http://www.nonelectronics.com/catalog/i … qv5ssmd277


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Let's have one of those threads. embed a YouTube video (not the whole address) by using the video id between the [youtube] and [/youtube] tags or a Vimeo tag with Vimeo tags. (live footage goes here)

Try to keep the videos awesome. I'll start.


(13 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gameboygen … otostream/

From that, can you tell which component has come loose?


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

oliver wrote:

And wasn't it nitro2k01 who added this patch to mGB (can't find the coresponding post here)? AFAIK, Arduinoboy code is not involved, hence it should work with the nanoloop adaptor, too.

I simply added an offset to the MIDI address in the mGB source code. It turned out that the versions I created crashed when receiving data on incorrect channels. This was, I think because for data received on incorrect channels, only the first byte would be read, and the next 1-2 bytes would be interpreted as the start of a new message. But in theory, this should be possible.

The recommended way as of now to achieve this is within Arduinoboy.

No. Almost all LPT port adapters only implement a subset of commands, suitable only for printer drivers. There's one device that should theoretically work:
http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/ba … ex.html.en
However, even then it's untested and thought to be working simply because claims to fully emulate an LPT port. However, it would probably be slow because of how USB works. For every byte transferred, you need to send a new USB packet, which can typically only happen at a rate of 1 kHz. Even so, this would not work on Windows 7 64-bit.

One viable way might be to create an Arduino shield specialized for the purpose, which would take a certain amount of R&D. I'm wondering if it's worth the effort.


(8 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Passive mixing should work just fine if the impedances and levels are the same.
Prosound = high level but high impedance ( = weak "drive") by design.
Headphone output = lower level but low impedance ( = strong drive)

I.e., the headphone output has a lower nominal level than the prosound, but it's better at forcing the junction between the two to its own nominal value.

This isn't really rocket science. All you should need to do is make a special 3.5 mm -> RCA cable for the GBP with a small resistor across the signal lines (left and right) to increase the impedance a little. I can't give you an exact recommended value but something in the range 22-100 ohms should do it. This cable will still be fully usable with only one thing connected, although the added resistor might make it more physically fragile. (Risk for cracked solder joints or wier breaks near the solder joint.)

Then there's the added complication that the impedance of the DMG's prosound will vary with the volume knob. In effect, you should always have it at maximum volume, or the GBP might still overpower it even with the added resistor.

That's all, I think. Good luck if you want to try this.




4mat wrote:

well chiptune and chipmusic are two different things.

Can't we just come up with better terms, say arp music and derp music...


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
