If you check the music section of the forum, and click view item for the tracks you like you can find the chip artists posts of the song, much in the same format of the forum, and you can PM them that way. If you're looking for specific artists to check out on this site, my favorite tracks on here are from 10spd, Leeni, Danimal Cannon, some other ones but there's a lot of artists for you to go through. The cool thing about the music page is that it tells you when theres new music to check out. But there's quite the number of artists on here and its just as easy to PM them to get an agreement going! If you give us an email or something for artists to email you saying that they're interested you might find the talent coming to you instead of you looking for the talent that way. Or utilize both!
Anyway, just a few suggestions.

I'll be in Everette over the summer hope to see a chiptune show (maybe even participate in one yikes) in Seattle in July!

Screamforme99 wrote:

what do you want for the SH201? email me [email protected]

Emailed from my gmail

This article makes my brain cry. Is this a real journalist?

I have QUITE the collection of musical instruments that I am not entirely using, like at all. Eventually my ideal musical situation would probably contain a Microkorg, Behringer Tweakalizer, Roland SH-404, but I'm willing to take any offer you guys have.

http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=rol … mp;first=0

Roland SH-201, Nigh perfect condition, I can throw in a MIDI-USB chord, USB chord, and sustain pedal if interested, no matter what the power cable might be nice to throw in ;P. I just don't use this beautiful monster with fully customizable pages, theres about... 64 pages? 32 preset and 32 user pages, computer modified, program is on the internet.

http://www.promo-wholesale.com/china/Ke … 110853.htm

Reliable portable keyboard, AA's or power cable usable like 150 sounds a few percussion sample rows.

http://www.bing.com/shopping/z-x-electr … =undefined

This is my guitar, the Dean Z. Currently there is a wiring problem but I'm going to get it fixed soon. Two alternating pickups, classical and heavy (sorry I'm not in on the specific pickups, I got it modified). I like it, its very nice to play, I just don't use it anymore.

Sorry about the links when I get time I'll put up better pictures. PM me if there's anything you guys are into I'm open for offers and trades.

Edit: changed topic. Sh-204 wuzzat?! And added more info on the sh-201
edit: changed the keyboard picture forgot to change description.


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'll have an extra CGB, PM me if you're interested


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

0.1134 used to be so exciting when I was a little boy. Where did my innocence go?!


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm kind of depressed because the chord I got at the swap meet was $8 and this is comparably cheaper... :l


(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

firewires have always been a mystery. They're like that format everyone knows is great but for some reason little to no computers contain a firewire port.


(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

i can't get over obi-wan canole though

This looks amazing! It reads like minecraft to the untrained eye but I see so much more potential than that in this! Such a simple but fun but crazy awesome idea good luck with it!

edit: I went through and looked at all the art n stuff and its all phenominal and blows away anything related to minecraft so forgive me for the sideways comparison.


(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Mackies are beautiful holy canole. If i feel like live vocals are something I'm into I might get one eventually but as is... I've found I'm not really much a front man, I've attempted a few times and it didn't turn out so good. I can be on stage ok but when it comes to like group efforts I tend to be a support person and not the lead, which my main chipprojects will be a group effort. But if we ever end up investing on a better mixer due to audio quality Those are definitely something I'll look into. But then again as is we're running our voices through cheap voice changers just to have a low-fi effect anyway... haha.


(0 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So my laptop has a... slot for a disc drive and therefore cannot and will not accept the EMS 64 driver via the disc.
I'll handle the stuck disc later, but I really would appreciate some help in locating/having some way if getting the driver on my laptop. I tried googling for the driver but no luck so far I was wondering if someone could help me.

hurrrr- disregard, I found a link on kitsch bent. I would've asked to have it pre-flashed I just couldn't find my user info. But if you saw this and was gonna help thanks!


(11 replies, posted in Collaborations)

HugoSmits wrote:


It's true the formula options are somewhat limited. BUT.. it's more than just 'press the buttons in order'. Because you do have freedom. For example in the above screenshot you can make :


Later levels will get more buttons... the reason I keep it simple is the same as above; I want normal gamers with no specific intrest in math to play this game as well smile

Alright I can dig it... so the levels get progressively complex needing necessarily different tactics but still the freedom? Pretty interesting.


(11 replies, posted in Collaborations)

At first I thought it was "write an equation" then got excited but then I noticed that it was "press the buttons in order" and was less so. Interesting idea for a game either way, though!
also the confusion from the sin/cos problems MIGHT be that you're drawing it from the left side of the screen as 0, which would make the graph correct. So added programming is probably going to be needed to consider those negatives (or just cheat and have it draw a cos from the left knowing that in the end itll turn out properly, but since this is math, cheating wouldn't be as advisable) tongue
Hopefully someone can get some sweet tracks laid out for you guys, I just got started myself so I can't really contribute anything other than 4 channel DMG until my carts and mixer comes in, but good luck with the game! It has some great potential.


(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Nice listings all, and thanks for the help all! I appreciate it ever so much. I  believe I owe a smaller diety classification towards some of you, although I already figured 10spd to be some sort of divine creature... Thanks for the input though, it will definitely help when I go shopping for a mixer pretty soon!