yeah, but you dont want it
65 Sep 10, 2010 6:31 am
Re: Commodore USA announces the PC64. PC in a replica Commodore case (17 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
66 Sep 8, 2010 8:42 pm
Re: "fakebit" compilation (34 replies, posted in Collaborations)
Hi ant, i'll send you something pure in a few days.
67 Sep 5, 2010 12:54 pm
Re: Kick + Bass in LSDJ (23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Thanks for the info Nitro, really helped refresh my memory.
Now I'd like to see absolute pitches put in, also the ability to skip lines on a table (but still process them). In the past I've made sick pulse kicks, skipping the initial high pitched bend, but it means the entire song has to be programmed two steps ahead.
68 Sep 4, 2010 10:03 am
Topic: Kick + Bass in LSDJ (23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Can anyone please post me the optimal instrument/table combo for a kick+bass instrument (kick with a tail)?
I'm having trouble programming one that doesn't change frequency- the best I can get it is going up/down one semitone.
I used to be able to do this shit years ago... whats happened!
69 Sep 4, 2010 9:55 am
Re: Commodore USA announces the PC64. PC in a replica Commodore case (17 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Bullshit on a plate... you can buy these things already, they are just rebranded products.
The image on their website is stolen, yes- they even bothered to photoshop out credit until someone demanded it relabled. p;forum=17
There's no proof of that design ever making it into being made into a case, or even them somehow fitting a quad core pc into a C64 case...
70 Sep 4, 2010 9:48 am
Re: How can I test a SID? (17 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Hey rumpelfilter, check the internal blow fuse- it might be broken, which causes the sid to produce no sound, but still produce a clear picture- obvious thing to miss, and people always shout CAPS. As your SID still seems to be alive I'm guessing it'll be this.
71 Sep 3, 2010 8:22 pm
Re: FS/FT: My shit - kp3 dmg protools (27 replies, posted in Trading Post)
any update on the GP2X? still got this 4track, also got moneys now!
72 Sep 3, 2010 5:33 am
Re: HxC SD Card Floppy Drive Emulator (multi platform, 10+ systems) (11 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
This would be sweet to see on the Famicom Disk System! Are you sure Amigas don't work? I've seen a few A600's with them. Also, tell me more about your Mega Drive PC! Your Mega Drive has a floppy connector?
Wikipedia actually has a section on this pc now.
The sega/pc sections are seperate- it's also advertised to have built in adlib but i never saw this working.
I'd need an ISA soundblaster card but theyre not too hard to come by.
Floppy drive, hard drive, and clock battery need replacing- theres probably other busted bits on it.
73 Sep 2, 2010 12:59 am
Re: HxC SD Card Floppy Drive Emulator (multi platform, 10+ systems) (11 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Just read that write support for amigas currently doesnt work, but firmware upgrades are always happening.
74 Sep 2, 2010 12:48 am
Topic: HxC SD Card Floppy Drive Emulator (multi platform, 10+ systems) (11 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Haven't seen this mentioned here, heads up on an awesome project.
Getting mine soon, probably enough encouragement to sort out my STE for use- pretty much a replacement for WHDLoad if you're on an amiga system- a solve all for amiga 500 users too.
I might even do up my Mega Drive/PC system and install it in there- with a mega drive midi interface it could be the ultimate adlib/MD music machine.
75 Sep 1, 2010 8:51 am
Re: big ass clutter clearout (gameboys, amiga, atari kit) (5 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Post edited to show cartridges and DS missing.
Thanks NeX and UNiX!
76 Aug 31, 2010 11:22 am
Re: Fit C64C motherboard into breadbox case (12 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Can't remember which is true or not, havent had a breadbox for about 3 years now. Isnt the breadbox board alot bigger?
Saying that I have a C64C with a weird revision- it has a 6581 in it and a larger board.
The screws should be the same, the connecters are the same.
Just wham it in and see what happens- what are you gonna lose!
77 Aug 30, 2010 10:11 am
Re: Exporting raw audio on a PC for Amiga (38 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
a few that i think are great:
this filter plugin is absolutely sick- instead of just GUESSING the resonance in the filter you can choose from lowpass, bandpass, highpass, and modify each as you want.
i use this to cut up long samples when im making house- one you mentioned
also useful for correcting the tempo of said loops
I wouldn't say it's that misleading Along with the built in reverb etc theres plenty you can do with a boring loop.
I just think it's sad that people stick to protracker/soundtracker when they make amiga music.
now all I want is some sort of phaser or flange, that would be awesome!
78 Aug 29, 2010 9:40 pm
Re: Exporting raw audio on a PC for Amiga (38 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
akira^8GB wrote:I grabbed MILKYTRACKER, loaded a bunch of WAV samples in it, and then saved as MOD for the Amiga. It converts the samples to the proper IFF format and they sound just great on the machine.
How does it sound compared to stuff sampled directly on an Amiga?
Nowhere near as cool.
Each sampler will have it's own sound.
Mine has a pretty creamy lo-fi sound.
The one I've got for sale on the trade section is crunchy/noisy but also very clean if you can get the hum away.
It's very convenient sampling straight to the amiga. I plug in my mp3 player, I plug in my laptop, I plug in my C64. Samples ahoy, no fucking PC to click around in.
At the moment Iam sampling to a Roland JS-30 and manipulating my samples there, then straight to the amiga from that. I can layer up samples, timestretch them, downtune them, ADSR fun etc, muck about with loop points to create a whole new sound.
If you have a decent screen size on your amiga I'd reccomend using OSS 1.35(?!). It has some great effects processors in it, and you can also get DSP plugins. These are ram hoggy so you'll most likely need an expansion.
It can export/import 4channel protracker mods, and can also do midi.
79 Aug 29, 2010 9:34 pm
Re: How can he do it? (46 replies, posted in General Discussion)
only listen to good chip music
. Or none at all!
Daughter/CMDR for 2010 release. Non-generic danceable chip/dance music.
80 Aug 29, 2010 9:25 pm
Re: big ass clutter clearout (gameboys, amiga, atari kit) (5 replies, posted in Trading Post)
A new competitor enters:
This is my chair, I bought it from Ikea for like £40 two years ago, and I've been sitting in it ever since. It smells like ass and sweat and is really uncomfortable. The seat is way too small for even the slimmest of ass.
Anyone can have it, just come round to my house and carry it out. My dogs wont care, they hate the thing as much as I do, but they might bite you if you're ugly or tall.