I thought that this thread was about trolling the NSA.
Don't have any stickers tho


(99 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ovenrake wrote:

duran duran duran duran


Ronald Raygun
Xibalba's Ullamaliztli Cheerleader Team
Elderly swinger


(99 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I love the suspicious quotations marks

10k wrote:

Dispyz - Raverblood EP

Shit is brutal as fuck. I have not mentioned this in another thread. You're lucky we have these mp3 tags.

Anything Radiograffiti, really! Hexadeci is great as well.
My neighbours love Swiss Yodelcore. I know because they always try to sing along with it.

Germany is a great place for EU parties as it's a stop between France, Belgium, Uk / Scandinavia / East-Europe. Even Italians don't have to travel that far. It's not a haven for international electronic music for no reason. I can lift my way to Berlin, and there are lots of artists in Germany and neighbouring countries.

Nothing wrong with solo-laptop performances.


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I don't know sound recorder, but if it has the same function as Audacity, I woudl advice Audacity.
It's free
It has unlimited recording time, not just one minute.

Non-dubstep NNNNNNNNNN

Anything hard or fast, really.

Ah that's awesome. I never really wanted any mods, but the bass mod seemed necessary basswise. Plus I was worrying about possibly ruining my GBC's while soldering.

Yeah, you do whatever the hell you want, I think Trash City and Gutsfuck are amazing and coincidentally been listening to Gutsfuck for at least once every day the last three-four days. If you tell me I don't need mods, than I don't want any mad .

EDIT: Still, that shop is amazing, the smurf drinking beer, the pink, the cardboard clown, the pink zebraprint. How did you get to play there?


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It's more the other way around, I want the live sound to be just as hard and harsh.
I'm not arguing against post-production, but in favor of things that could add to the sound of a live show.


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That venue, lol what the hell.

Sure? Does the color match the grey brick in bass and fullness after adjusting the knobs on the mixer?

I'm saving up for a mixer and some sort of mixing speakers, so I wouldn't have a clue really. My 3 shows had me asking others to manage the mixer, and monitors never gave me an accurate idea of how my sound or my bass was hmm

Maybe readjusting my first expression: I want to be just as harsh live.

If mods and stuff can assure that, it would render post-production useless.

And so I was reminded to RTFM once again roll


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

GBC just doesn't have any bass.
I don't want to do any post production, because I don't want the recorded albums to sound different from live sound.
Would GBC bass mods do the trick, or would they still be too silent overall?

The machine gun rattling is the voice emulator?

I heard one saw halway through and my mind was blown.
I just had to check out the sav files to see how you did all those sounds, so interesinting!

How the hell did you give a numbers-value in the DIST field for samples? I play around with it, and it switches to wrap and I can't change it to numbers back again. Is it a LSDJ version thing?

I have to study damn it, why is this so awesome?