i like to experiment.
i usually grab a few different values (i have a *pot bag*, lulz)
and just try them out. many times i will see the range seems
to big, (e.g. half the pot does nothing, or has no change)
other times its too small (turning the pot a tiny bit make a
huge change). just play around till you find an adequate value.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

fist off,
the "L" (slide) command only works on Pulse and Wave instruments.

LSDj Manual Example wrote:

F-4 L04
C-4 L03

this will start playing the C-4 note then slides to F-4 at a speed of 4.
then slides back to C-4 at a speed of three.

notice the first note, C-4 doesnt have a command on it. because we want
that note to first play normally... THEN slide down to F-4, play that note for
a second, then slide back to C-4. notice the 2nd C-4 DOES have a command
by it. because we dont want that note to play normally, we want to slide into
that note... does that make sense?


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i found nitro2k01's comments on the LSDj Tips And Tricks page helpful.

maybe you want to use the "P" command instead?

also, read this.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

kitsch is correct.
ebay is more 'buyer centric' then 'seller centric' these days.

but on a positive note, i sold an refurbished NES last year,
and the buyer claimed the item was not 'as advertised',
and started a claim against me. after a week or so, ebay
ruled in my favor. the ebay support staff said the main reasons
i won the claim was because i had so many photos of the item
(inside + out), i have a high level of positive feedback (99.9%),
and i listed the item as 'refurbished' and categorized as such.

so the moral of the story is post as much info as possible (both
textual and photographic) and accurately categorize the item
as much as possible.

good luck :S


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

just as a note...
if yer in the pittsburgh area,
and like "nautical" themed music,
check out: The Bloody Seamen

hilarious pirate core ;D
sorry for the horrible live cam sound


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(9 replies, posted in Releases)

i like the black links for info and downloads.
when yew rollover them they turn red, and yer like:
yew should hide the "FREE DOWNLOAD" link too ;D

i quite enjoyed "The Space In Between "

the transplant is a success!
and with no rejection! ;D

i think the paper disfusser gives it a cool textured look.
great job!


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

a friend of mine works for the google Pittsburgh office.
he says parts of it are wonderful, like the free gym,
free jacuzzi/hottube, free massages, but like arfink
said, the never get to go home. my friend has no life,
no girlfriend/wife so it's not so bad. but he says some
of his co-workers hate it. one guy lives 2 blocks away,
and he cant go home for lunch...


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)


i checked out some of the ascii art on yer site.
killer work dude!

rumpelfilter wrote:

thinking about that, actually I'm thinking about adding heatsinks to all the ICs in the C64. The only problem I see is fixing them... somebody suggested Epoxy glue between the heatsink and the IC, has anybody tried that? I'm also considering to remove the silver shielding cardboard, since I read that it does not really work as it was intended to...

i say trash the metallic cardboard.
sounds like it will only trap heat in the case...

as for attaching heatsinks...
all yew need is some: thermal adhesive
arctic silver makes an awesome one (linked above), but they (and others)
make a few different kinds. i have used the arctic silver brand on
computers and other retro-tech alike. simple and works really well.
but just like regular thermal compound, dont use too much!

*sold out*


(25 replies, posted in Collaborations)

my song is coming along. i was just bumping to make sure the deadline was still "sometime in september, maybe".

Reteris wrote:

I would rather eat the toy than their food

no matter what iron you choose.
keep it clean, and it will last longer, and work better.

i like to use steel wool to both clean and hold the iron

it's much cheaper then one of those stands, and it works great!
i dont worry about the iron burning stuff, or falling out, plus
give the iron a little rub when it cools off, it will clean the tip
for you was well ;D